Wednesday, 27 August 2008

LOST BLOGS 1: Life is juicy...

They used to be satisfied with simply shaking it and waking it, but clearly the slight tilting of a bottle to swirl about the sediment is insufficient to entice Modern Folk to sample orangy delights.

Now, I'm all for sex on the telly (even if it is a but uncomfortable and the arial pokes you up the arse), but promoting beastiality in order to flog orange juice is a tad to far!

It's bad enough that they have grizzly bears seducing bikini clad antelopes, but to further eroticise it do they really need pole dancing flamingoes and Vegas Showgirl peacocks?

And then they go on for further demonise the Islamic community with the arrival of Suicide Cephalopds! All this forestry orgy is going on, when up creeps a Octopus with muslim mammaries that suddenly explode in a burst of citrussy freshness!

Praise be to Allah and his Jyhaddi jugs!