Right, there hath been a lack of bloggery recently due to being busy with new employment, and mentally drained in learning how stuffs work to blog. So apologies for the lack of entertainment. I so apologize for being waaaaay behind on FarceBook - sorry if I've missed any announcements, or liked Pretties pictures, but that newsfeed builds up faster than a Rosberg/Hamilton conspiracy, and I can't keep up!
But, service should be resuming shortly, albeit a tad more intermittently than before.
So, whay has you missed out on?
Well, I now reside in a Data Dohyō, for my official tile of employment is that of Data Ninja! Warm Saké? VERY GOOD!
And talking of Saké - there was Sushi! Not killer sushi, but vast quantitties of diverse dishes, and no whinging about unshelled shellfish!
There has been unwarranted snoggage too!
Oh, that there SLIM Xym is dam well hawt - too many Pretties all desirous of the flouncing follicly pluméd adonis. Sooner or later (and most likely sooner) there's gonna be green-eyed-monstered dames a-fighting in The Watercunt o'er ye Xym. It's almost come to blows already!
In fact, Xym is so hawt, he set a firey alarum off by setting teh Pretties sexes on fire!
What else have we missed this past month?
Oh yeah, slim Xym is a third of the size of the short fat gothboy he once was!
Oh, there was some kickyball going about as well (Zzzzzzzzzz).
Oooh, ooooh - Escapades down The Whatacunt and The Talk too! Dancing Xym, feeling the beets (not the tangerines). or something.
TWASH! I almost forgot about the Twash!
And we're not going to talk about Prom. Its the season when the school discos start, so the kidz are getting all dolled up for Prom... IN AMERICA WHERE THEY HAVE PROMENADE! We DON'T do prom here. This is a local disco, for local people - there's nothing for you cherry-poppin' virgins from the USA who're about to be killed off by a masked poltroon with an improbable backstory and ludicrous gimmick here! FFS - they'll be spiking the punch whilst sitting in the bleachers now that semester is over, waiting for Fall so they can go on a school shooting rampage whilst eating a McBurger in BBQ sauce with a bag of potato chips with a soda-pop when hanging at the mall..
Prom my best hat! It's the leavers' school disco. Leavers' Ball at a push. Not a twatarse sodding prom. You're a student leaving a British Secondary School - not a sophomore sorority sister fratboy in an American High School.
But anyhoo, these are things lost to the past. We look to the future now (it's only just begun - and it's not even Christmas!).
So I shall be back to bloggage soon, hopefully on a more regular basis.