♪ Opening to the sighs
♪ Suspiria
♪ Witch
♪ Sighs
♪ Markos
♪ Black Forest
♪ Blind Concert
♪ Death Valzer
Claudio Simonetti's Goblin, Union Chapel, Islington, Londinium, 19th Aug 2014.
There is a certain magic to Suspiria, and to see it on the big screen, in a chapel, with Goblin performing the score live is something a bit more than special!
The music is a big part of Suspiria, and being played live, with the acoustics of a chapel, is nothing short of wonderous. Combine that with the gorgeous art dripping colorfully off the screen... perfect cinema!
And I met a really hot Italian Babe, who was like a blend between Asia Argento and my mate Becky out of Joykiller :) !
A trip to London doesn't get any better than that!