Oh dear, Xym is a VERY bad babysitter!
'twas Brickfest, and all went to Hell from the off!
Firstly, it was all a-downpour of deluge, so a 20min trek to the pub in the floods. Not a problem, but soooo hungry, so thought to partake of the BBQ.
So, pint in hand, off to the waterlogged beer garden, where, at qtr to 2, the "BBQ" is only doing bacon rolls.
Bacon Rolls? At a BBQ? And just that? Where's the chicken wings, burgers, ribs, etc? It's well past lunch and people are hungry!
"We might be doing cheeseburgers later"
Well, that's fuck all use! Off to the chippy then... oh, I can't, coz I has a pint in hand. Grrrr.
Oh, and those expected at 2 can't make it till 4! So, finish up pint, head to chippy, then off to theirs,
Chippy has no chips. Aaaarrrggh! So, 20min trek in the rain to location 2.
Later followed by a 20min trek back. In the rain.
But was great fun... but the trouble with all-day family-friendly festivals is that it's often filled with drunken cockmeisters, popping pills and generally being Prince-Of-Wales-Road-Obnoxious-Fighty-Ignorant-Cunts.
Like the twat who barged between my sister and her youngest niece, shoving his groin in her face as he forced his way through. And then took exception to me taking him to task for being a brute and coming between a mother and child.
He didn't give a shit - he said he was coming though with his beer, so what's the problem. Apparently, he'd already been in several altercations already, and popped a few too many pills, so I was advised not to chastise him too much, in case he decided to give me a duffing up.
Or the dodgy bloke [pædo] who thought it appropriate to randomly twerk up against 15yr old girls...
Anyhoo, selfish fuckers who ruin family friendly atmosphere aside, it was good fun... until the youngest sibling was traumatised further by the nudie drummer. And being trod on by people. And by emaciated haggard old crones in sparkly cardigans dancing 'sexily' whilst flinging their drooping withered jugs about in all directions...
...oh, wait, that last trauma was mine & Jo's *shudder*.
So, one child had to be returned home...
...and then Parent #2 also had to leave...
...leaving me to look after my underage niece and her friend!
Me! In charge of teenage girls, at a Rock Festival, at a full-capacity venue, with all the dangers of end-of-night clubland!
I think I did a goodish job looking after them. At least I got them fed, watered, and home well before curfew mostly in one piece! One may have broken their arm on a nettle leaf, and poured her lavish meal of papas fritas en el aire fresco en la lluvia into the roadside river, but I think, under the circumstances, I managed herding tipsy teens home OK in the end!
I'm one HELL of a fantastic Uncle! I think I may have gained a surrogate niece into the bargain too!
So, that's Fantastic Babysitter to add to my long list of accumulated titles I have!