Sunday, 5 April 2015

See I've already waited too long, and all my hope is gone II...


Remember t'other day with my prank, when I said this:

Off to Vue after BoxFit tonight for first date with new Pretty... hope she doesn't get TOO jealous of HBC!

I then laughed about taking a Pretty for a romantic evening of perving over Helena Bonham-Carter whilst drenched in pheremonal boxing BO?

Well, such things are dreams are made of, and they come true!

For today, I'm off to Vue after BoxFit tonight for first date with new Pretty for a romantic evening of perving over Helena Bonham-Carter whilst drenched in pheremonal boxing BO!

Ok, so it's more I'm off to Vue Odeon after BoxFit tonight this afternoon for first date with new Pretty for a romantic evening afternoon of perving over Helena Bonham-Carter whilst drenched in pheremonal boxing BO!

Ok, so it's more I'm off to Odeon this afternoon for first a date with new a Pretty for a romantic afternoon of perving over Helena Bonham-Carter!

OK, so it's actually I'm off to Odeon this afternoon for a date with a Pretty for an romantic afternoon of perving over Helena Bonham-Carter!

Yeah, well, I'm off to Odeon this afternoon with a friend for an afternoon of perving over Helena Bonham-Carter!

OK OK, so it's just me & Monica going to watch Cinderella at Odeon, coz nobody else wanted to come. And she only needs me as an escort until her husband finishes work. An escort without the additional services of escorting we escorts are wont to supply. or something. Worse luck...