Remind me again why I bother...
Oh yes, because I am an awesome, caring, chivalrous top bloke...
For last night's escapades involved shouting women hoping to cop off with Teh Xym,
Not doing herself any favours though.
But whilst endearing herself to me by screeching all harpy-like at her mother, she passed out whilst sat on the table.
Toppled to the floor.
And smacked her bonce on the concrete.
But we step in to help...
...but helping two tonne Tessie to get all upright is not an easy task. Especially when one finds oneself somehow trapped in a corner compressed by comatose women.
Even worse when it briefly comes to, trying to punch everyone's lights out in a flurry of fists, before squishing me once more, and forcing my supportive embrace into inappropriate areas!
Do I:
a) Let her slide down until it appears I'm massaging her mammaries; or
b) Let her fall to the floor before accidental palm fillage with dirtypillow.
c) Lay it on the floor before iminent boob contact, sexual harassment charge or tongue chokage (NOT MINE, I MIGHT ADD!), and let them there bouncers deal with it!