Thursday, 31 March 2011

Ma-ia hii, Ma-ia huu, Ma-ia haa Ma-ia OOK! OOK!...

There are those who believe we should prevent Climate Change, because it endangers Mankind.

P'tooie! Climate Change, Slimate Change! It's a natural cycle of Gaia, and we should not destroying out planet by interfering with it's cyclical rhythms to preserve our selfish selves. And if the Ice Age cometh, fair enough - Charlton Heston can put his vest on, and Richard Burton can put his shirt on...

...but no way am I bowing down to our Simian overlords!

People tend to forget that "Climate Change" was a misprint, and now we have the ensuing chaos and panic.

The forthcoming apocalypse that is to bring about the fall of mankind was actually down to PRIMATE CHANGE!!!!

Indeedy doo! Far from leaving the telly on and poking a hole in the o-zone, it's guerrilla gorilla genetic manipulation that's the problem.

Sending simians into space, teaching them sign language... before we know it, it's on with the shackles and "Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death. "

Next thing you know, it's all sandified Liberty Island and the outburstings of "You maniacs! You blew it up! Oh, Damn you... God damn you all to Hell!!"

And no amount of sorting my cans from my junk mail will prevent that!

So stuff Climate Change...

Stop Primate Change - stop the advance in intellectualising our monkeyfied brethren into overthrowing overlords with dreams of enslaving their creators!

What? Who's that over there in the shadows? Yikes! Another attempt to silence my blog from revealing the truth? What th...

Aaaarrrggh! Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!

And Proteus brought the upright beast Xym into the garden and chained him to a tree, and the children did make sport of him. And not in a Michael Glitter kind of way either...


Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Mirror, Mirror, Moon Allure...

There is a belief amongst some that Man Went To The Moon.

In the past, the scientific greybeards of the day could get away with puffing on their pipes and showing a bit of "moon dust" sweepage, or playing a video over the airwaves and telling everyone it's live.

However, modern folks have the Interwebz, and have discovered the lunar fallacies* bequeathed by friend Greybeard.

And so they are held to task on these inaccuracies, and many a backwards step taken, and much confessionals of photographical fakeage and the like. However, they still stand by their claim of Clanger visitation.

The latest "conclusive evidence" proffered by modern day greybeard (somewhat bereft of beard and pipe, with possibly a goatee and nicotine patch) seems a tad desperate even to me!

It seems that one of them observatories (Jordan Spermbank probably) fires a laser at the Apollo 15 landing site. At this site, Buzz Lightyear and Louis Armstrong left behind a cleverly designed mirror they forgot to pack after posing in front of it in their spacesuits (and to make it look like twice the spacemens, as it's somewhat lonesome up there).

Apparently, the arsetronomers do this in order to measure the distance between the Moon and Earth, because the laser beam is reflected back by this mirror. This is conclusive proof that we landed on the moon. End of.

And they say I talk bobbins!

For a start off, why traipse all the way to the Moon with this complicated mirror so a laser can measure how far away it is? Any normal person would read the mileometer** on the Space Shuttle when you got home and divide the total by two!

Besides, I've seen Tommy "DIY" Walsh on QVC. You can get laser tape measures that you place on a wall and it tells you how far away the opposite wall is - without requiring a mirror! Why waste squillions of squid when you can get a £4.99 tape measure that'll do the job! The moons a bit bigger than an opposite wall, so you can't really miss it and accidentally measure the distance to Alpha Centauri by accident.

Anyhow, the mirror wouldn't work, coz it'd be covered in manky moondust sprayed all over it as the rocket took off, thus negating it's reflectivity. And even if they did leave a Mrs Mop behind to polish it every day, the chances of the beam hitting the mirror and returning straight along the same path is astrophysically astronomical! More likely the laser would bounce back at an angle, cutting and burning the planet up***!

Also - have you ever tried to look at The Moon through an Argos telescope? You have to constantly wiggle it about, as it moves quite quickly.

And once you've finished ogling the nubile neighbour's botoxed buttocks, you realise the Lunar Moon also takes a lot of telescopic maneuvery to keep it focused and in sight. Let alone trying to keep your laser pointer trained on the relatively teeny mirror in some crater on a rotating spheroid miles and miles away!

Conclusive proof, my best hat!!

* That's fallacies as in untruths. Nor Phalluses, which are altogether different. Albeit on the dark side of the moon.

** You can't call it a Speedometer, coz then folks would be constantly looking at speedos while driving. And I, for one, do not want to be distracted from autovehicular steerage by budgie-smugglers creeping into my peripherals. Eww, no thank you very much!

*** Although, to be fair, the laser beam could be the cause of them Spontaneous Human Combustions, where poor innocent dear little white haired loveable old grannies are incendiaried to death by a rogue heat-ray, just coz some gormster of a boffin wanted to know the distance to the moon!


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Pain! The dolls on the wire! Your mind burns...

Nefarious necrology aboundeth!

The demise of the mæstro of the marionettes led to great sorrow yesterday.

Such sorrow, in fact, that tributes are not enough!

Thems what run the Tourist Board have been engaging in Herbert West type shennanigans, and reinstating the semblance of life in OAPs!

In cahoots with Primark and Dotty P's, the dead manipulator of the moppets has been installed in his usual place. In Superdupermarionation, you can't even see the strings that perform the charade of live action infinite Mandelbröt fractalization!

It's come to something when you're so famed for your talents, that even in death you're forced to re-enact your skills for the public!

Of course, in order to cover up the demise and cyborgial replacement, the EDP has gone OTT with it's coverage. Even going to the lengths of having a photo of the taxidermerised armature filled Perry-suit clasping todays paper as "proof" of his longevity.

Obviously a sign around his neck saying "I Aten't Dead" isn't sufficient evidence.

Still, at least he managed to keep his disguise up all these years. Even Priscilla wouldn't recognise him when he's crooning to his old tunes in a wig. Then again, who'd ever think to look for hound dogs busking in Norwich and great Y'ha-Nthlei?

Tweed hats off to the fella.


Monday, 28 March 2011

Come and get some, in My Tapah Catfish...

There be deep water bitery afoot near Great Y'ha-Nthlei!

Not content with flogging Norwich beef stock-cubes, Turkey Twizzlers and purchasing dance-aroundable fertility symbol hostelry, it would seem Marco Pierre White could no longer stand the heat of Hells' Kitchen, and descended down into the deep depths of coolness around the eqquine based seafrontage.

I'm all for his exotic cookeries, but going all Hester Bloomin' Maul and poaching up porpoises for sushi isn't gonna be one on MY menu!

To be fair, it might not be the prodigy of Albert & Michel Jawsingly terrifying the local yokels. According to Ken Collings, the clever carcharodon carcharias consultant, it may be his Chef sibling - Shortfin Mako Pierre White.

So that's my coastal trip to ungulate mammal town scuppered. No way am I being bit by submarinaded restaurateurs on the beach!

Still, there's a seal colony nearby, so there will me much serenading of sous-chefs, No Doubt incorporating Rain-Dances and comparing to kisses from Roses.

But not kisses from Axl Rose.

Kisses from Gwen Stefani, on the other hand...


Sunday, 27 March 2011

First you take a dump in your pants...

Now I know where I's been going wrong with The Pretties!

Dancing in the kitchen sans trousers will attract many a nubile harlot into your domicile!

And pant dancing leads to massage, and thence to the bedroom!

BUT, whatever you do, before getting jiggy with it, do not attempt to boil a can of soup, for the pretty will hastily make her exit as your toil away at you culinary consomme escapades, resulting in burnage and the call out of burly beefcake for the Pretty to run off with.

Still, a trip from Bare Minge Ham to Nuggets in the Ukraine will soon fill the belly! 

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Saturday night, I feel the air is getting hot...

Oi, Wiggers! Shut yer face!

The air be very coldsome indeed!

I should be out admiring Alices, but I think I'll stay all snuggly warm inside.

But not, alas, inside a lass in Ann Summers Alice attire.

Warm indoorydoors, with the heat from the numerous appliances on charge toasting the domicile up nicely.

The Terminator winking at me and blowing me kisses, Jurassic Pork on the telly and a vast quantity of cidiferous quaffage with a giant Toberlone from Poundland!

If asking "Who's THAT!!" is sexual harassment, being let loose in a harem honey-trap of copycat Alice Lidls is just asking for trouble. Throw in a few Bellatrixes, Mrs LoveIts and Alictorias* and I'll be sat on and duffed up by the burly doorfolk in no time, before being cast into the night for castration by a cackling coven of costumed cuties, offended by the sexual harassment of some misshaped short fat gothboy daring to find their visual allure appealing.

* female equivalent of Jedward. What a choice - Beastiality with the Jakewolf, or Necrophelia with the Eddievamp. And that sicko Isabella is into both, the dirty slag! And this is aimed at lovelorn, sexually frustrated Chastitty Ring type 13yr old tartlets. Shag a dog, or fuck a corpse. Still, whatever floats yer boat. Said boat apparently floating in embalming fluid, given Bella's preference for intercourpse. 

Friday, 25 March 2011

If you don't answer then they'll charge you all the more...

A year and 3 months ago...

"Yay! New phone! New contract! Whoop whoop!"

A month later...

"Sorry sir, not sure why you've been overcharged. Your account is reset, I've waived the extra charges, should be OK next month".

Some months after repeatage of the above...

"Ah! You're missing a booster! Add it for a fiver, should fix it."

Next month

"Well, at least you're now getting the benefits of the package... I've reset your account, waived the extra charges, should be OK next month".

Repeat for many more months, until last month...

"Ah! We sold you a BlackBerry! You need a different package! We'll sort that out for you. No sir - everything will be exactly as it is now - you'll notice no difference at all, just the change in package. I'll put a note on your file - anything over £20.42 will be waived... not that you'll need it, as you're now on the correct setup".

And today...

A whopping £27.60 overchargement, instead of the usual 40p-£1.90 discrepancies!!

"Ah, I see. You need yet another booster. You see, for YOUR phone, you need the base rate, the booster, plus another booster! Tell you what, we'll put you on the 2 boosters going forward, so you are charged correctly"
"But surely I'll be paying more?"
"Yes, because the second booster is a chargable one"
"What we'll do, I'll take £23.02 off your bill, so you'll be charged £25 for both boosters."
"Umm.. NO! See my file - Chai explicitly wrote that anything over £20.42 WILL BE WAIVED"
"Consider that done"
"So I'll just be charged the flat £20.42"
"Yes. Next month you'll be charged for all three"
"No - I'm not paying extra for a service that SHOULD have been a flat £15 to start with!"
"OK, we'll give you the second booster for free."
"And that's definate, is it?"
"Consider that done - it'll take 24hrs to take effect"

From this, I suspect my account may well be hit with a duffarse bill, and it'll still be fecked up next month.

I wants my old Vodafone back :(

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Who's that girl, running away from me...

Well, shiver me timbers, splice me mainbrace and split me beaver, I gives up on even attempting to show interest in Pretties now!

As all know, I am the shyest of shyfolk, and the thought of approaching some Pretty and talking with them one-to-one is a most terrifying prospect! And so I remain within the confines of my barricade of friends, engaging in lecherous banter and much digitary dexterity of the Rik Mayall persuasion (or legging it to the safety of the Dance Floor if a Pretty dare approacheth the group).

However, it seems even that is too much these days!

Apparently, if a single, hetrosexual male finds a member of the opposite sex attractive, and innocently asks who they are, it can be classed as Sexual Harassment!! It's PC gone mad. Or Laptop gone mad. Or something.

And people wonder why I don't chats up women*!

As if anyone could accuse me of Sexual Harassment! If anything, I'm a total void of sexual harassment, hence the singlature of status and lack of a Pretty of my own.

And now, I can't even ask the identity of unknown Pretties, for fear of being put on registers of pervosity for daring to even think of Pretties as potential partners!

And on top of all that, comparative portaiture identification to enable clarification via visual medium between two people is also verboten!

And for those who say "Oh Xym, there's someone out there for everyone. Even you. There's plenty more fish in the sea!", I, for one, am not going to acknowledge such accusations of aquatic beastiality! Apart from the fact that there aren't more fish in the sea coz it's been overfarmed by quota-abusings foreigners, who want to cop off with watery fishfolk?

Sure you can take a manatee to a matinée, but you wouldn't want to get amourous in the back row with some great big fat whale**, would you!

I can't do anything right these days! Oh waily, waily, woe and misery!

* NOT that that means I chats up men. Heavens no!!! Oh well, just have to remain lecherously leering at the back of nightclubs then, and hope that someone has a penchant for short fat gothboys with preposterous hair and ludicrous shades! Well, anything's possible...

** And as the great big fat whale in question, I can attest to the fact that many a sexy cinema siren seated alongside has no wish to grapple in amourous engagement with lardy tub-buckets. Although that could be down to the presence of partners, whose presence prevents Pretties ravishing me in the aisles. See - I'm all up for being Sexually Harassed meself!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Say Hello, Wave Woodbine..

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...
J-J-J-J-Jessie F*
Plod, plod, I arrive
On the case, sweaty face, hot pastrami on rye
Sleazy, Seedy, Steaming hot Manhattan Night
In my office, I'm a Private Eye tonight
Dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty trenchcoat
You think it got a hood? You wrong, You matrincestor!

I can do it just like Poirot - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
I can do it just like Sam Spade - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
We can do it just like Magnum, Magnum, hey!
We can do it just like Magnum (Tate & Lyle and Splenda)
We can do it just like Magnum, Magnum, hey!
We can do it just like Magnum (Tate & Lyle and Splenda)
Bang! Bang! Hey! Smith & Wesson!
No pretty Dames or alleys out here.
Chewin' Chewin' Chewin' Chewin' fat with Fangio
Plummet from a rooftop in a final showdown
Dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty trenchcoat
You think it got a hood? You wrong, You matrincestor!

I can do it like Columbo - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
I can do it just like Sherlock - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
We can do it just like Magnum, Magnum, hey!
We can do it just like Magnum (Tate & Lyle and Splenda)
We can do it just like Magnum, Magnum, hey!
We can do it just like Magnum (Tate & Lyle and Splenda)
Dames - come bop me on the coiffure!
Dames - I do it undercover!
Dames - Do you dig my trenchcoat collar?
Holla holla woah
Dames - come bop me on the coiffure!
Dames - I do it undercover!
Dames - Do you dig my trenchcoat collar?
Holla holla woah
I can do it like Michael Knight - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
I can do it just like Shoestring - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
I can do it like Mike Hammer - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
I can do it just like Wainthropp - do it like a Sleuth
Grab my gun, trenchcoat and fedora too
We can do it just like Magnum, Magnum, hey!
We can do it just like Magnum (Tate & Lyle and Splenda)
We can do it just like Magnum, Magnum, hey!
We can do it just like Magnum (Tate & Lyle and Splenda)
Do it, do it, like Lazlo
Do it, do it, low like Laz
Do it, do it, like Lazlo
Do it, do it - and some call him Laz!

* Out of Murder She Wrote.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Insane in the membrane (insane in the esophagus)...

The guzzling down of freezy Frappage* of a morn is oft accompanied by the following statement:


I'm no biological greybeard, but I'm faily certain of the location of my internals, and the way various bits and bobs are positioned. So when I have partaken of blizzardy beverages, I'm pretty certain the sipped slush slips slowly stomachwards like a norfolk tractor down me trachea.

At no point has any icebergy fluid diverted from my digestive system to chill cranial content.

If it did somehow defy gravity, these gormsters would not exclaim thus, for their superconductive supercooled cerebellum would process information at superspeed, and such statements stuffed! Instead, they turn into superfool cerebellends!

All that fluidal talk has made me rather thirsty. I'll just take a sip of me Mango And Passionfruit Frappe...

Gaaaah! Glacialment of encephelon!!

* the icy flavoursome treatage for those enamoured of the caffeine breathed upon by Ithaqua, not the rapeage of Basefuck status. 

Monday, 21 March 2011

If you wanna know (soup soup soup) if he loves you so (soup soup soup)...

...he'll find excuses to return, hoping you'll return the favour with your own special Cullen Skink.
"Tomato? A fine choice, madam"
"Sorry - There's no Tomato! How about Vegetable & Parsnip!"
"Sorry - I meant Vegetable OR parsnip!"
"Sorry - we do have Tomato! Tomato or Parsnip?"
"There you go - and you, pretty as you are, ain't getting no ice-cream."

Ahhhh, the aromatherapy of botty gravy vinegar and salty jizzbutter.

And what's do you get? £2 short of winning One Hundred & Twentitty squids, that's what :(

Of course, who's to know the flaky flesh and pubic lice of scabrous scrubbers amounts to 46 million tonnes of putrescent peelings?

But that's nothing, compared to Lord Mayors who get inebriated on NYE, then have to spend NYD in NYC because their quaffage led to oral punchification and disease ridden strumpetry, hence using their public powers to get an 10:35 appointment at the dentist, followed by a guy knackerologist for cock unblocking @ 10:37.

But not unblocking the legendary length of the sizable sword of porkage belonging to Errol "The Hamster" Flynn (not to mention our Kelly nobbing Marilyn Monroe. Or Marilyn Manson. But not Charlie Manson. Or Charlie Sheen - although who knows what'll happen when you're on charlie... those lines of salt and pepper are soooo tempting!).

And with a despectacled Anastacia masquerading as Shakira (who you know is "on" tonight. Presumably "on the blob" with her hips that'll allegedly pass a polygraph on Jeremy Kyle), all that's needed is rapey arachnids and excrutualingly embarassed turtles of awkwardness.

Still, another night spent being swamped with sexy sirens, so not all's lost.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

They don't want you when you're 17...

17 This blog is
      intentionally left blank -> Go watch A-Team

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Oompa-Loompa duffing up youths...

Well, venturing forth into Tentification and thence to The WhatACunt was most pleasurable, with many a Pretty for digitary wranglement*. Especially those Mega-Pretties of tinted tresses and darkly falsified follice adornments :D

And there was the unexpected bonus of a surprise attendance by an amazingly arousingly aroma'd Mega-Pretty, on a quest for chippage! :D :D

And as my armour held up, I retained it for city centre shoppery, where a Baba Yaga-esque Barista gormstress actually asked if the black tinted optical enhancers that obscured my vision were Sunglasses.

Apparently, I look like Elton John. The cheeky bitchfucker! I ain't having HER make me a cup of tea no more, the haggard old trout!

But I care not for such frivolous insultage, for the afternoon resulted in a chance encounter with the Pretty of the tinted tresses for a coffee and a chat. And I made further progress in impressing LooksForeignButIsn't Pretty during seat exchangement by tablature cleansement.

And what better way to end the day, then to witness a maniacal midget starting a fight with an average sized group of fellows.

Top Class Pretties and Hobbitty fisticuffs  - could the weekend possibly get any better than this?

Hold on, what's this?
50% shark... 50% octopus... 100% lethal!

In the words of Father Dougal McGuire: "Ohhhh, WOW!".  I may just have to save this for mushy pea fritter time with my sweetly scented Princess, otherwise my head may explode in pure exhilaration of GettingEvenBetteryness!

* skillfully covered by flawless obfuscation through the medium of the "Air Guitar" of the Power Ballad solo. And not just The WhatACunt - the Tentification also had many a pretty, with news of a singlature of BarBabe :D

Friday, 18 March 2011

Oh yes it's Hades night, and the feelin's right...

Oh no it bloody ain't, fuck jizzerry shite!

Due to the homely, intimate Fritzlesque cellar of Rock being closed off from the public (due to them forcing away custom by stopping cidiferous stockings of Jacques), Run With Us has relocated to The WhatACunt.

And although one had pledged to present my portly presence in person, aggrophobia* and extreme scaredy-catness may take precedence, and prevent public personal appearance!

And then there's the social armour required to venture forth, and do battle upon ye olde dancefloor.

Depite near-universal acclaim for the flat, fallen flowing follicles, the love of long lank locks is not one I is enamoured of. The legendary Preposterous hair and ludicous shades would lack the popular preposterousness necessary to pull off such a look. And such a popular, iconic look it is too!

However, the long, lank locks of a reverse Hitler flickover does leave the new nail in the noggin free of any form of mankyness getting in, whereas The volumous barnet of crimpage and backcombing involves what is known as 'Product', resulting in knottage and follicle fall out.

And thus, a half-coiffure has been attempted of unproducted half-temp crimpage, giving the benefit of a visage obscuring hairy helmet. Better armoury, but more than a hint of dulux dogerry about the upper frontispiece of facial physiognomy.

But is that sufficient to braven the craven fellow? Perhaps, as the cutiepie cutter of the cranial forestry suggests, I need a pipe to sign off that look and thus bolster my confidence an exude an air of authority! That one, missing element that will kindle affection in the hearts of Pretties, as opposed the present curdling of affection as I arsonate Jeff Bridges left, right and centre.

As Paul Simon (of the curtains and blinds) and Art Garfunkel (of the popular eatery) once said "I am a cock. I am an Island". Probably.

* Fear of going outside and interracting in a social manner. Also, fear of going out and getting cought up in a spot of aggro and getting duffed up after being set about with a stout stick).

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Touch my bum, this is afterlife...

Much dauntage ensued this fair morrow with the prospect of being laden with literature and lugging the lot along long lanes.

Imminent collision may also be on the cards, due gravatational disadvantagement of blubbery bulkage and bookesque burdenment reducing the necessary speed of movement to avoid autovehicular interaction.

And so, waddle on down for public traversment, and be sensortially assaulted by the Pits of Stench, the Flatulent Seatage of Standees, the Foetid Fragrance of Overperfumery and the Ammonia Aroma of Bloomer'd Biddies.

Which would please a certain maternal felchery fetishist of my aquaintance no end!

But, oh! The aural rape upon the senses!

Apart from portable telephonic communicative devices tinking out Tiny Tempura and giggling gossipy gormsters (pupil porking pædo pedagogues prominently prolific, it would seem!), there's the trials and tribulations of life.

Such as the supernatural spectral sphincters of schoolgirls.

There was me thinking it's all mingewaxing,  plastic surgery juggery and anorexia, when the main worry of the young women of today is paranoid posterior possession, requiring some buttock botoxing exfoliating exorcism before you get Amityville arms*!

They didn't have ghostly glutes on the silly bus when I did O-Level Biology. Hmmmm. May have to advance my education and take late night classes in haunted hooters and scary marys.

* Arms with fingers. Or at least, arms with hands with fingers. Fingers on arms would be just wrong, like having giant carterpillar for arms. Not arms as in weaponry. Although both arms were used in Amityville by the DeFeos, as was the Long Arm Of The Law when beating a confession out of Ronnie. And in Amity, when Brody shot that shark right in the compressed air!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

All the young dudes, let down on Tues...

Due to Disney (dames on t'flume)
It's down to two (plus dude) on Tue
But what to do? The two have flu!
What's a dude to do on Tue?

Do The Do with Betty Boo?
Or do on Tue what the dude does Tue
   (digest desserts and sing Darude
         except alone, and just to lose?)

Did the dude do what a dude does Tue?
Indeedy doo, the dude did do!
But did he do like doggy doo-doo?
Well bugger me old brown Ugg boots, the dude came #2!

Yay! A galleon of cider awaits, all for meeeeeeeeee (except for a couple of pints for the Pretty to get in her good books. Not her good boots. Or Ugg boots. Her in her thigh high boots, as I fill me boots. Or something)

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

I really really really wanna see a cigar...

Apparently, in the ongoing war against the puffers of cancer sticks, That there Condemn Government are going to make it illegal to have fags on display.

Instead, you will have to buy them "under the counter" in plain brown packages!

I only hope the debranding of tar-based oral inhalation fumeage does not extent to cocoa based treatery! Oh, to lick an old toad and suck on Krakatoa (unlike Fergie sucking toes on crack. But not Fergie out of the Black Eyed Peas. Fergie what killed Diana on her husband's mum's orders. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Fergie's crack. But not Diana Deceaser Fergie, Black Eyed Pea Fergie this time. The one with The Humps. But not on her back, like Quasimodo. Although I wouldn't mind humping Fergie on her back. Or something).

It's not long before Confectioners and Tobacconists alike will have to start blackening their windows and being frequented by grubby flashamac'd pædo types, on the prowl for puffable pervosity.

"Anything I can get you sir?"
"I'll have some polo's, a can of Pepsi, A Sunday Spurt and a copy of Razzle"
"Is that all Sir"
"Umm... mumble mumble Doyouhaveanygrumble mumble mumble"
"Sorry Sir?"
"You know - um, some debonairre accoutrement to my digits to make me look more suave and sophisticated"
"Ah, I understand sir. We are a discreet tobaccopornist"
"Phew, 10 Marlborough Lights please"
"There you go"
"And a copy of Readers Pipes"
"Get out!"
"But I only want a glimpse of Meerschaum!"
"You sick fuck! We don't sell such hardcore filth here. Check the internetz - http://www.comparethemeerschaum.fag/ for all your opium and violin fetishistic needs. Simples."

Monday, 14 March 2011

So THAT'S why he pilfered! Leader of the plaque (drrrr drrrrr*)....

Not content with taking his Black and Decker to me molars, in furtherance of his desire to lighten my wallet to swell his calcified canine cavity coffers, he's taken to shop theft thievery!

In order to neaten my gnashers, I purchased one of them electro-scrubbers. However, my bristly head has gorn all manky!

And the bi-polar bicuspid "benefactor" has been cackling his maniacal way through every supplier of oral hygienery, relieving them of all stock of the very enamel polishing products I require!

So now I'm bereft of automated brushitude.

But I shall wreak my reewengay!

I'm taking advice from the tellybox, and purchasing an ickle Allfie I can hide in my manbag, and at the next session of frottaging for fillings, the puppy can build up healthy bones and teeth by chewing on dentists dicks,

Or I could just buy a new toothipegbroom.

* That's supposed to be the sound of a drill being drilled by demenented dental driller "Dogturd F." as the Shangri-La's dance around in wild abandon.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

I was looking for a job, when I had a job, and Heaven knows I'm gullible now...

Whilst purchasing bovidæ udderescent products for the lightening & flavouring of highly temperatured caffiene based beverages, I came across a strange notice in the market of superyness.

It seems that in the interests of High Jean, top based apparel must be draped over the upper portion of the body, thus preventing fragrant pitsweat from scenting the aisles, and men gawping at the upper protuberances of Pretties instead of filling their baskets (oo-er missus!). 

However, nothing is mentioned about encasing your lower limbs in swathes of silken shorts, skirts, trews or even pantaloons!

I can only assume that it's because of this oversight that such blatant baring of the undercarriage is what prompts them self service machines to constant proclaim "Unexpected item in the teabagging area" as flange, scrotæ and limp loinsnakes brush against the pressure pads.

Then again, the inability to put on undercrackers to conceal one's pubic parts from the public's hearts is no surprise if your dumb enough to use one of these machines in the first place, when there is a cashier paid to scan your items, bag them up, and process your payment.

It's not even quicker! It doesn't matter how long the queue for the buxom serving wench is, but it always beats anyone using the machine. Probably because the hummous and taramarsalata olive panini wrap in balsamic vinegar ain't on the system, and has to wait while the porcine troll (who's not pretty enough to be on the tills) is led out on it's lead, to swipe a card on the machine and press the Void button.

Now, because The Election had a three way tie, we have no properly elected Government. With no mandate to govern, CamelEgg wants us to have a Pig Society, where we volunteer to do the Government's job for them. For free!

And so these supermarkets are embracing that. Why employ zit faced ugly students, when you can sack them, and install machines where The Public can do the cashiers job instead. For free! The students can then go back to pole-dancing at spearmint wino where they belong, instead of sponging off benefits.

If you're using a self-service checkout, you're not a customer - for five minutes you're a temp for the company, working on a voluntary basis! Not to mention the irony of staff who use the self service on their lunch break - not only working on the tills all day, they're working in their free time for free!

I could understand it if you got a discount, for doing the tillsfolks job - but you don't. You pay the same whilst doing the cashier out of a job, thus forcing them to go on the game by managers who want to be "on the job" doing the cashiers!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Big fish, Little fish, presentation box...

Well, the City wasn't very busy today! Clearly, since I restarted blogification, many are happy to remain at home, pouring over my words of wisdom, and once again worshipping me as a deity who should be on a diet.

But on the plus side, the lack of a pushing and pressing pack of people allowed perusal of presents to purchase for Pretties to celebrate their spawning*. This led to another of them money-making conspiracies. I took my products to the serving wench on the counter, and was offered Giftwrapping Service For Just £1!!

Wow -saves me effin' and jeffin' trying to bundle up a box in pretty paper covered in Jacob Black to impress the Birthdate Princess! Cheap at twice the price!** Go for it!!

And just what goes this exclusive giftwrapping service deliver?

Bunging it in a box, rather than bunging my breakables into a bag!

So, Miss Shellfstacker takes the product out of the box, and makes it look all Shiny and presentable on the shelf. Then, when gullible ole me comes along, charge him extra to put it back in the box! She didn't half get my dander up! Athough, being English, I remained politely quiet, with the Pretty unaware of my uprisen dander.

Good job I didn't buy them plates I was after, coz I wouldn't need them giftwrapping, and she'd've cast my crockery  into a carrier bag like a drunken Greek dancer after a meal who gives not a toss for EU Health & Safety". And then I'd've had to eat my tea on shards of ceramic platery.

* Note for new blog readers - you do not have a Birthday, as it changes every year. However, your Birthdate doesn't. For example, It can't be your Birthday on Sunday, because your Birthday next year will be on Tuesday. So, unlike the Squid, the Birthday is incorrect! However, 13th March next year is still 13th March, and therefore your Birthdate is correct.

** Now, your average Gormster when seeing a bargain, will often proclaim "ooooh! Cheap at half the price!". 'course it's cheap at half the price, you blithering twat! It's half the price! That's what half price is - cheaper than full price! It can never be anything other than cheap at half the price, because it's 50% less than the full price!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Doors! (hungh!) What are they good for…

I’m sure you are all aware of porticos and their functionality. They are the bits of wall that allow ingress or egress by way of a large gap filled with a barrier that moves once pressure is applied to it, or tugged upon.

Take your average Mall entrance - a multitude of doors, providing several exit/entrance points. Some of these doors even swing both ways, like bi-sexual barriers. For those in Davrosmobiles, there is a panel you can ‘happy slap’, and the door will open automatically!

On the face of it… not that difficult an obstacle to overcome.

But wait! Like something out of George A. Romero movie, the shambolic shuffling shoppers approach the doors. Now, a Normal Person would go up to a door, open and it, and walk through. Alas, this is a concept beyond modern folk.

First, they will gather at the one currently open door that someone had the brains to open, and wait patiently to file through it. Unfortunately, modern folk have lost the ability to queue*, and therefore mass around the door, thus blocking the other doors. When suddenly, there is anger – one of the doors they’re blocking has opened! Right into them and pushing them back! The anger turns into wonderous amazement – another portal has opened! And the throng now diverts into two lumbering groups (as it still hasn’t dawned on the braindead that they can open another door themselves).

And what do they do the second they pass through? Immediately stop, as if there is an invisible barrier right outside the doorway, for it seems essential that having waited to get through that one opening, that’s it’s only fair to block the way through by searching in your handbag, or pondering where to go next, or have a row with the Other Half.

But what if NO door is open? What then?

Well, this is such an unsolvable conundrum, that when faced with a bank of unopened doors, the only solution is to freeze near to where you think a possible door may be opened. To cover the embarassement, it is de rigeur to fumble about in a bag, and when a door opens, take your chances! Accepted practice is to be laden with shopping with your arm still rummaging in a bag, affecting a Quasimodoesque lumbering skippety run to catch the door with your shoulder to get through before it closes.

Or course, some of these gormsters think of themselves as chivalrous, but turn out to be cretinous. For some will be polite enough to hold the door open for someone… but naturally, given their ineptitude in the skill of actually opening a door, the concept of holding a door open for a Pretty falls equally afoul of their limited intelligence. For rather than standing by the door and holding it open, they will often stand opposite the door, holding the door open with their arm across the opening, thus preventing passage. The Solution? After a bit of awkwardness re unable to pass through (or unwillingness to duck under) some odious oily oik’s BO stenched ‘pits, shove the door wider, allow Pretty #1 to pass, catch the door as it swings past, shove it open again, allow Pretty #2 to pass, then dive out before it closes (and before the husband of bf gets through, so you can leg it if he threatens to duff you over accusations for holding the door open as an excuse to get a good gozz down his missus’s blouse).

If they had a pram, or a trolly, I could understand it, as given something with wheels, all their brains fall out. Scummy Mummies with double buggies of their rancid brood, trying to squeeze down too-narrow market aisles, then clobbering their brats to stop them screaming because some shoppers heavy bag of goods has smashed their squalid spawn in the face. Why can't the broodmare wait with her kids in a clear space, whilst underage dad nips to the required stall?

And don't get me started on Old Gimmers who think just because they're old, they can just walk to the front of a queue**, filling up their pull-along ankle-biter trolleys with their shopping, and pulling out a select few to be scanned at the till so they can escape with a decent five finger discount. Or when you're looking at stuff on the shelf, and they ask if they can "just squeeze past" (despite having a whole corridor to walk around) and instead of continuing past, they stop right were you were and decide to peruse the very shelves you were tying to look at! Then get all arsey if you sigh heavily and walk back in front of them to carry on with your shopping.

* More queueage in a later blog.

** That wasn’t the more queueage I was talking about. That’s still to come. Unless, like the now legendary Chronological Cheese, the opportunity never re-arises.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

I belong to me, don’t Call Me Pikey! #2

Well, drape me in a bedsheet, put me pillowcase over me bonce, and avail meself of torches bourne by the nearby mob on route to fortification flambément and the hunting down of maniacal monstrosities manufactured by madmen and their humpty-backed accomplices for the toasting of toes thereof!

Due to challengement of chronographical perusal and accusatory digitary pointage (as opposed to my usual appendage wragglement of leerage), I’m lifting and revising my test pile of bloggocks, for which my Farceberk Fiends were the testees.

About a week or so ago, I was watching the box with the magic animatory display, when I managed to accidentally catch about 3 minutes of some show called My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding

Firstly, I was appalled at the misleading title - yeah, there were a few verging on the chunky monkey end of the svelte spectrometer, but no actual Big Fat Gypsies.  Not that I wanted to watch vast bulbous lardmountains of munterescent troll tying the knot, but when promised Big Fat Gypsies, I expect Big fat Gypsies.

Second – there weren’t even any gypsies in it! Ne'er a sign of a colourful wagon, a roaring campfire or a lanky Gyspy King singing “Nel blu dipinto di blu” offering his 12yr old daughter (born in the wagon of a travellin' show, whose mama used to dance for the money they'd throw) to the king of a relative tribe.

Instead of the promised curse-hexing, heather-selling, peg-thieving Romany/Szgany/Gypsy thralls of lore, we gets them 'Travellers' - Thems what use up all our petrol in caravans instead of traditional horse drawn curtain-door’d wagons like proper gypsies!

But what confused me most of all, was the voice over stating "Like most modern travellers, Xxxxxx lives in a house instead of a caravan". Now, I was under the impression that Travellers were, well, Travellers! Traversing the length and breadth of Britain, and getting moved on by The Racist Coppers when too many doorsteps of Daily Fail readers are relieved of their daily organic skimmed pinta and Yakult.

Further to this, I questioned the definition of A Traveller, and I’ve since been informed that most “Travellers” have adapted to life in the 20th century by settling down with a job/own business, a house and a mortgage! That’s not a Traveller – that’s Normal Folk! It's like me saying I'm a roving minstrel. Except I don't roam, don't play the lute, nor sing in taverns or royal courts coz I lives in a house and has a job because I’d adapted to life in the 21st century. And I’m no fox!

I reckons this show should be called "My Bog Standard Chavscum Wedding", as I couldn't see the difference between these alleged "Free As A Bird Gypsies" and stereotypical chavyobs of the Shameless variety.

Maybe I can get a telly documentary also! My Big Fat Roaming Minstrel Weeding*, showing the ancient art of singing for my supper from town to town, by working in IT afore returning home to play on the PS3.

Now, since then, some Gormsters have been bemused as to how I could gather all that information in just three minutes, without even seeing a single driveway being monoblocked.

Well, unlike my less intellectually bequeathed brethren, to me, the key phrase “Like most modern travellers, Xxxxxx lives in a house instead of a caravan” doesn’t warrant an hour long tortuous viewing to ascertain that most modern Travellers live in domiciles instead of wheeled vehicular conveyances. And that the stick figures getting wed ain’t reversed-lipsuctioned salad-dodgers with cake and bun crumbs all over their voluminous “shelf above the toy shop”.

It would seem that excessive viewage over and above the 3.75 seconds (plus the time to see a real life visual portrayal of the Guide and Broom) is insufficient to confirm this statement of fact, nor the girth of the matrimonial subjects. It would further seem that light hearted humourescent reference to the lack of portly pikeys and stereotypical gypsy prejudice instead of a po-faced insult-fest on the Travelling community is, in fact, a flagrant all-out racist attack against the evil gyppos!!

Apparantly, the P- word is as bad as the N- word… unless you’re a travelling bare knuckle dragging fighter, and then you’re allowed to use it in your Gaelic Rap vidz, innit. And now I’m a racist, and them hex wielding tarot readers have unleashed The Morrigan upon me. Yikes! I can hear the scream of the Bain Sidhe foretelling my doom at the hands of a rampaging pikey mob right now!

D’oh! My mistake! It was only Sue (of the Sioux) on me iPod. Phew, that was close!

* Although I can't be bothered with gardening. I might run a hoover over the grass once in a while though!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

A daring crime so bold, retrieve the Deadites notes...

Following on from yesterdays celebration of International Women* and batter, today is the day to honor the black breath of the firemountain, and give up pancakes for 364 days and nights.

Of course, I jest. It’s not about volcanic residue spewed forth to prevent big black blingfolk getting on altitude reliant transportation! It’s when we celebrate the trials and tribulations of celebrity chin.

Today marks the wilderness days, where Our Saviour traversed the haunted forests, fought the mini-mirrored monstrosities amid the crucifixial windmill, was tempted thrice by leathery literature, and thence mis-spoke the Words Of Klaatu and released Legion before ultimately defeating the possessed and his own demonic doppelgänger.

And to replicate his suffering, for the next 40 dazed knights, we must give up something we Lent.

I lent someone my signed copy of Ten Years In An Open Necked Shirt by John Cooper-Clarke, what I got when we was in a play together, and this of sentimental value (or, more accurately, of no value but I’m just being mental). Today, I give up that item I lent you. Mainly coz I can’t remember who I lent it to. If I did lend it that is. It’s highly likely that the Stamp Gnome** has that in his horde of treasure, along with my birthday chocolates, .

Hail to the King, Baby!

*Not all women, mind – specifically, International Women. They're probably like a female version of International Resue, living on Traci Island (next to San Island) and rescuing people in their Baywatch bikinis.

T'was a time to celebrate the work they do, what with all that running about with their flotation devices acting as weapons of mass distraction keeping the fisherblokes near to shore and out of shark infested waters.

** For non-readers from when blog was on MySpace: You can purchase Royal Ron & Russel stamps in packs of 6 or 12. You then use 1 stamp to post a letter. Every now and then you remember a birthday, and check your stamps – yay! Still 5 (or 11) left. Come the day to post, the Stamp Gnome will have crept in the previous evening and half-inched your book of stamps, requiring further purchasement of philately products (not to be confused with philoakey products) to necessitate delivery of communicative messages, and bewailing the loss of a number of stamps. If you don’t buy stamps for a while, he turns his claws to other kleptomanic collections.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

I'm a crêpe, I'm a wierdo...

Today is International Women's Day!

Today we mark the economic, political and social achievements of women.

To all the pretty Women worldwide, a massive thank you! Where would we be without you?

Well, clearly without me pancakes! Now gitchore bitch ass back in the kitchen, and make me some gâteau de poële à frire!

Although why anyone would want to toss heathen hairy hooved satyrs in their eggy batter is beyond me.

It's pancake day
Yes, it's pancake day
Yes, it's p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day
Well, it's pancake day
It's really pancake day
Yes, it's p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day

Now the Merry Men know about pancake making
'Cause pancake day is a regular fixture
You take your frying pan,
and some sugar and jam
And get on down to make the mixture
Well you take a dozen eggs,
take a cup of milk
And don't forget to add a little flour
And then you beat it up with a wooden spoon
And leave it to settle for just one hour
'Cause it's pancake day
Yes, it's pancake day
Yes, it's p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day
Well, it's pancake day
It's crucial pancake day
Yes, it's p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day
But back in the village of Worksop
Where the living ain't so funny
They make their pancakes out of dirty old mud
'Cause they ain't got no flipping money
Their smiles are wide,
'cause the tears they hide
Even though their life is hell
But the smiles start to fall,
when the sheriff comes to call
And he brings King John as well!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Manson Cul-de-sac: Don’t Call Me Pikey¹...

Right, I was watching the television box t’other night, when I managed to accidentally catch about 3 minutes of some show called My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

Firstly, I was appalled at the misleading title - yeah, there were a few verging on the chunky monkey end of the svelte spectrometer, but no Big Fat Gypsies.

Second - there's no gypsies in it! Ne'er a sign of a colourful caravan, a roaring campfire or a lanky gyspy king offering his 12yr old daughter to the king of a relative tribe.

Instead of the promised curse-hexing, heather selling, peg thieving Romany/Szgany/Gypsy thralls of lore, we get 'travellers' - them what use up all our petrol in caravans instead of traditional horse drawn curtain-doored carriages!

But what confused me most of all, was the voice over stating "Like most modern travellers, Xxxxxx lives in a house instead of a caravan". Not only that – some of them have jobs! It's like me saying I'm a roving minstrel. Except I don't roam, don't play the lute, nor sing in taverns or royal courts coz I lives in a house and has a job. Now, I was under the impression that Travellers were, well, Travellers, travelling around and getting moved on when too many doorsteps of Daily Fail readers are relieved of their daily organic skimmed pinta and Yakult.

I reckons this show should be called "My Bog Standard Chavscum Wedding", as I couldn't see the difference between these alleged "Free As A Bird Gypsies" and stereotypical chavyobs of the Shameless variety.

Maybe I can get a telly documentary also! My Big Fat Roaming Minstrel Weeding*, showing the ancient art of singing for my supper from town to town, by working in IT afore returning home to play on the PS3.