"A zoo in Japan has held an emergency drill to prepare for a disaster scenario in which animals manage to break free from enclosures."
Now, these Eastern Promises of a zoological nature preserve are oft on the... inaccurate side, to say the least!
Take then Chinafolk - they et all their aminals, and had to dress up dogs to pretend they were endangered aminals in an enclosed environment.
Such as this bear and lion:

So, now let's have a look at the believable baboon runs riot in... When Aminals Escape!
Now, I'm no David Attenborough, but I was a Fire Steward for Aviva, and in a Disaster Recover Situations, you train with real events. They set fires you had to put out. They had drills where you herded dumbass humans to safety.
Now, the image above strongly hints that all the Japanese training may come to naught, as I suspect they may not be interacting with legitimate primates who, following a cold tits style escape have gone all Congo. Beating your head with paddles and eating yer face off.
Unless, of course, the sauntering simian they train with is one Aware-Of-Vacuity. The now legendary Great Simian Sage, Equal Of Heaven!
Ooooh, perhaps this Zoo is Wu Hsing Shan, made up from the five fingers of Buddha and locked up by Ānanda with a stamp & ink kit from the craft shop! This drill is merely the Bodhisattva Kuan-Yin preparing to release Monkey for his Journey To The West.
In the enclosures alongside the convincing chimp, you'll find a man with a strap-on snout, a tonsured turtle with a necklace of skulls, and a horse with some fairy wings & scale armour.
Now all prepared for a toeless fall over beaver-like mammal on acid. A trippy Tarka (the 'otter).
or something.