Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Mushi mushi? Mushi peas! And fresh octopussies...

Now, if you can cast your minds back to previous blogment, I warned you of nefarious neighbors sneaking into your house through the wardrobe and nicking yer stamps.

Looks like the craze has now hit manga central, for the Japanese have taken to closet hopping!

Why go to the expense of knocking though a wall just to pretend that travelling into next doors boudoir is like gambolling fauns into Narnia? Why not simply traverse from house to house, secretly secreting yourself into closets and stuffing your samurai face full of sushi. All the while leaving the perplexed houseowner wondering at the ever decreasing volumes of raw fish

Some poor sap in FuckYouOver installed CCTV to find out who was nicking his grub, and caught a shadowy Sadako lurking on the screen, flopping out of the telly before stealing the sushi and diving back down the well

Turns out some 58 year old woman had been hiding in the closet for a year! Perhaps he should've kept an eye out for strange women in closets, rather than closetly getting his Japs Eye out for women.

Still, I wouldn't complain if there was a harem of Harajuku girls hidden in my wardrobe! Not even if it were Anneka "he's-my-Japanese-Boy-eating-a-bowl-of" Rice

I'd complain it it were Wincey Willis though

Or Gordon "High Street" Honeycombe...