Shock! Horror! Consternation! Uproar!
Xym is heading out...
WITHOUT his dangly Antflags
WITHOUT his jingle-jangle waistbells
and WITHOUT his Jervis Tetch/Twat Hatter millinery!
Lawks-a-mercy - slim (slum?) Xym is trying boots-on-the-outside skinny jeans for a laugh... I mean... for a change. or something...
[Early morning edit] Whoo-Hoo! Svelte long-legged tight-panted Xym went down a STORM with Teh Pretties! Well... the glowing boots did at least! Sylvie wanted a selfie with the shiny shoes... although she ended up just photogratificating the impressive boots of fame! For Xym is not only THE Xym, He's also The Famous Xym!