Job hunting
I finally signed on (after being told I had to have <£x savings, turns out I didn't, & could've signed on straight away). Anyhoo, a LOT of time has been spend fulfilling The Governments Rules on Job Hunting :(
Casting out the Mammon! Since starting Adrenalize, Xym hath lost 20lb, 3" off me waist, 4" off me belly, and body fat down 5.6%! Go me!!
Takes a web, any site, commissioned to redesign!
So, I gets a message through That There Facebook: "Are you still on the job hunt scene? If you have a moment I would like a quick chat with you."
Oooh! Jobby job job?
Alas no - people hath once more been extolling the virtues of virtuoso Xym and spreading word of his mavellousness. And so Xym has been charged with having a look at the orangey overcomplicated mess of a website and seeing what he can do with it.
So, I has spent ages redesigning the Jaquard Anthems Website! And here is the result of my much more user-friendly simplified tinkerings:
Ooooh! Not only is it cleaner, with less too-small unreadable embeds with scrollbars, but is now readable on tablets and phones! And I gave it a forum too! You ask - I deliver!
And the new logo? Yes, that IS John and Jon, all Sisters Of Mercified! A couple of people have asked how I did it, so here's how...
The making of a logo
1. Have a fabbo idea!
The logo was inspired by John "King Of The Goths" Faircloth, who is a huge Sisters fan, so I thought it would be fun to create him in a Sisters Style.
So, as I starting point, I looked at the classic logo on the Greatest Hits cover:
Simple enough - three rings, some text, and a face looking up and to the left.
2. Choose the base image
However, John isn't the only DJ. What about John Fry?
So, somehow I need to incorporate the two.
As I like the circled text, is there another logo I could find to replace the solitary head?
3. Central 'head' replacement
Well, the nearest Sisters image is this. A face, one head, tilted looking upwards...
I can work from this - how about I put a dividing line down the centre, and have it half-and-half?
Right - concept in place. Let's start creating a logo
4. The easy bit!
Why powerpoint? Because I only have Photoshop CS2, and it doesn't allow me to create circular lettering.
So, on a new slide, I created a set of concentric rings.
Next - I added some text using 2 WordArt objects. One containing "Jon Fry & John Faircloth'*, & the other containing "● Jacquard Anthems ●"
*as you can see, the names are now in a different order - see below.
Then, using Format > Text Effects > Transform, the circular text was created.
The font used was Caslon Antique, which comes as a standard font with Windows and looks somewhat Sistersy (if not the actual font itself!).
5. Base image #2
Now I just need a photo of the DJs to base the head on.
Luckily, this was captured at the last event, so I have the two together...
...and as John is on the left, and Jon on the right, this is why their names are in this order in the logo.
6. Photoshop!
Now I have to create the basis for the faces, and merge the two into one!
A bit of cut, paste, rotation, and I manage to create this ungodly hybid!
Right, on with the tracing...
7. First attempt...
Create a new layer, and roughly draw in the outlines...
What a blinking mess - really hard to draw steadily with a mouse! And me tablet pen has decided not to work at all! Still - it's a rough idea how it may turn out.
8. Second attempt
Well, now I has to train meself in how to draw curved lines in Photoshop! I used to use PaintShopPro, so unfamiliar with Photoshop and it's bizarre methods!
But one google session later on Path Stroking (oo-er missus) and I gets nice smooth lines! A few plotted points on a new layer, and we get this image.
(I had to move John in a bit, to compensate for being at an angle to the camera, and not head-on)
9. Completing the 2 face for inclusion
Finally, I drop in a layer between the photo and the drawn lines, and fill it with a block black.
Am I happy with that? You bet I am!!
Oh FFs, I spent all that time on John's beard beads, I missed his dangler out! Oh well, earrings aren't the be all and and all!
10. Final composition
Finally, I copied the Powerpoint slide and pasted it into Photoshop as a new layer, removed the central circle and positioned it accordingly. And this gives us the final, completed logo:
God, I'm totes amazeballs!