Monday, 11 April 2011

And she'll have fun fun fun till her Daddy takes her teapot away...

Alas, we're not talking about the fun a lady can have with tannin inspired spout based sausage substitute, but the misleading fun size allocated to The Chocolate.

Everyone loves a Mars bar. Mmm-mmmm! There are even them rock chicks who use it as the aforementioned phallic fingering tool. However, there is also the "fun size" Mars bar.

Fun size, my best hat! What fun can you have with such a miserable minisculity of Mars? What a disappointment it must be for self pleasuring maidens, and what guffaws must ensure from the orifices of these Schocolatenfreude!

And naturally, having conned the Public into accepting bite size bars are "fun", it was only a matter of time before they descended upon The Mini Egg.

Ah yes, Mini Eggs - everyone's favourite speckly treat as marketed by that preposterously plumed parrot.

But now, the fun size eggs-factor has been applied, and you can now get TINY mini-eggs!

Mini-mini eggs!

Whatever next? Fun sized microscopic tiny mini-eggs? Chocolatey oeufs on a particle scale that splitting the shell becomes a nuclear holocaust in the cakehole?

"It's not how big it is, it's what you do with it".

Yeah, right. Not much you can do with a weeny egg.

Still, a bird in the hand's worth a shot at her bush. Or something.