Friday, 29 April 2011

How to lose friends and alienate people...

* Serious topic today, apologies for deviation from usual comedic stylee *

This may make me more unpopular than I already is, but...

I just passed WH Smiths, and saw a poster for a new Madeleine book.

"Oh Dear," I thought. "How long before the Evil Kate slaps an injunction on this one."

And then I saw the author... KATE McCANN!

The woman who left her three children alone in a (depending on which version suits Kate best at the time) locked/unlocked apartment while off stuffing her face with the apartment out of view and a long way away.

The woman who lied about an apartment break-in

The woman who refused to answer even basic questions, and then lied about being offed a deal to confess

The woman who hired a known corrupt Private Investigaton company and approved payments for 'witness' statements.

The woman who slapped an injunction on getting their phone calls for the night in question

The woman who wanted Reconstructions, then refused to participate

The woman who said "Give me a lie detector test" then refused to take a lie detector test

The woman who slapped injunctions on books about Maddie (witten to raise money for charities missing children in Portugal)

The woman who campaigned to get the case files published, then slapped an injunction on them as soon as they were published because people actually read them, and started to discover actual facts which didn't tie in with previous tales.

The woman who is still an official suspect in the case (arguido does not mean suspect) - because the BRITISH police were convinced she was untruthful.

The woman who campaigns that the case be reviewed (and not, note, re-opened, as it's only closed pending further information).

THAT woman is publishing a book, no doubt as ficticious as the alleged abduction and The Swarthy Child Carrier.

How very dare she.

If a suspect can publish a book, they should not be allowed to try and cover up the actual facts using injunctions. Let Amaral release his book. Let the case files be released again. Go back to Portugal and HELP the investigation, instead of manipulating the UK public via British Media to promote what YOU want them to know about and not the full story.


Sorry, but that woman infuriates the Hell out of me.