Friday, 8 April 2011

Who Juan's stool lit forever...


Apparently, it's a popular choice amongst Gormsters.

Clearly, they haven't thought about having to scrounge their benefits forever, otherwise they'll be really hungry.

Any besides, when the Sun burns the Earth up, they'll get all deaded anyways.

And if they did survive The Great Conflagration, it wouldn't be very pleasant being all burny and having to eat charred sand for tea, washed down with evaporated water.

Anyhoo, I saw a part of a documentary on the tellybox last night. It would seem that Sol is inhabited by giant dragons of fire from outer space , who sneak around in manbags before creeping up yer bum and burning yer innards whilst wearing you as a human suit as a disguise.. On the plus side, they do give you heat ray eyes like Cyclops.

So no immortality for me - I'm not being bumfunned by an flaming space dragon arseonist from outer space, just so they burglarize my body to zap people with my eyes!