Friday, 1 April 2011

A tender tail of deal ya smith... football matches she's often pissed...

Yum yum, lunchie munchie, and what delights are proffered in ye canteen?

Butchers sausages, egg, chips & beans!

Hold up... butchers sausages?

I've heard of pork sausages. I've heard of cummerbund and lincoln green sausages, but never butchers sausages!

Who's feeding us chopper of longpig for luncheon, like a mad Preston marrying Chantelle against Windolene's wishes?

Of course, (main course, of course!) certain celebrity soccer chefs down the road are taking time off from Transferring Players (into sausage rolls) and butchering butch butchers for all day breakfasta! Probably whilst pleasuring herself with a home made sausagey strap-on butchers bratwürst - you know what these Ed Gein types are like!

Well, I for one ain't wearing a white outfit and stripey apron whilst traversing down Riveryside to visit the Queen of Jawas, not if stalkage by mumsy chefs hell bent on killing for cannibalistic carrion is on the cards!