Friday, 15 March 2013

I say Holmes...

Is that a veritable giant tentacular monstrosity of the cephalopodic variety?

Oh, come now Watson! Forget the Archituthis Dux, velociraptor, robots and dragons. I feel if you look towards the gardens, so patiently tended by the teenage Ms Hudson as a wanton french maid, you may see such a sight to challenge your very sense of reality.

Egad, Sherlock. That's naught but a lawn peacock, parading it's plumage for the all ladies to... good heaven's Holmes! it just exploded! Let's rewind it, and watch it again!

and again!

and again!

And so, my Dear Watson, does the now legendary Banging Nail In Wall trailer not now pale into insignificance?

Indupitably Holmes. Now, let's stick Date Movie on and have a right laugh!

Oh, you poor, deluded fool Watson. Be my guest, but don't day I didn't warn you. From the title alone, I deduce a veritable borefest of unamusing jocularity with minimal plot. Be it on yourself to endure this turgid miracle of the moving picture age. 

What ho, Holmes! This young maiden appears to be sexing herself with some form of mechanical apparatus!

Phwoar! Shove over Watson! Queen and God bless Nikolai Tesla! The mechanical minge orgasmic simulation device! Whatever will our Steampunked age come up with next!