Element repord for Fivesday at Tidetime 10 and 51 after noon day gash...
ALL weather reports should be like this!
"Bollocks Xym, you just want to see that hot weatherbabe in the morning dancing about in an extremely short skirt, flashing the crack of Dawn and displaying her cold front for all to see. or something"
Oooh, you judgemental lot! As if Xym would engage in such impropriety...
"Use me, use me (uhhhhhr but only for weather purposes!). Softly, softly my cormorant, karroo karroo, karroo, whoosh. Hmmmm. Tether my murking troy with seedless doubt. Crunchy biscuit for breakfast. Baaaaaaaad. Rarevic hoop stone! Rarevic hoop stone! Tiddly bits ahoy, clottering the basset pipe. whoarrr. Grooming the cloud horse, oh, and now trying to ride it! Clop, clop, clop, clop, clop, clop, clop, clop."