Well that was... interesting!
Boo! Hiss! Here comes Marcus "Wolverine off of Pig Botherer" as the tonsorial terror!
Oh noes! The Pretty In The Window appears to be the haggered offspring of Joan Simms!
Worse yet! Sailor Boy appears to be a heavily made up, overacting, ventriloquists dolly of the Buttons pantomimic persuasion!
Not much cop this... but wait one cotton, pickin', minute! We has a loves it!
And WHAT a Lovett!
Want, want, WANT! Yer can keep yer Rhianna Beyoncé Titmus Skeltons - I'll take a dishevelled honey with huge messy hair and sunken smokey eyes over them any day!
Still, apart from the dreadfully under-rehearsed performances (and missing one of the main key cues), at least we got the full show - including the Nudie Judge whippage AND complete Parlour Songs (including Tower Of Brey).
But oh my... a missus Lovett to die for!