Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Wake Up! Time to die...


Oscar PissedOffAtUs is now pissed off with his missus for sneaking off for a poo in the middle of the night.

Which makes a change from Jermy Kyle, where they think their Other Half is shagging their neighbour when they go for a piss at night.

Anyhow, disgusted by being awoken by the splattery fartage and shocking shitting sounds of turdal tidal splashback, he promptly picked up his Olympic Shooting rifle and shot the shitter in the shithouse.

And his excuse is that he thought it was a (turd?) burglar, who had broken in just to use his personal toilet. In fear of his life from an enforce golden shower, he turned the bathroom intruder into a showerhead by shooting them full of holes.

Like his defence.

Anyhoo, I hope this puts the American Gun argument to rest. For of course, if Reeva had a semi automatic weapon (ideal for home defence) hidden in the bog brush holder, this would never have happened!