Monday, 26 May 2008

A double dose of Hilary’s Wank...

How come these amazing big budget movies of the present can't afford the same limitless offerings of the past.

Take "The Reaping", starts of with the plague of 2 rats, followed by the plague of solitary dead frog.

In comparison, take "Frogs" which seems to incorporate more amphibious reptilia than you can shake a stick at (and believe me, both Clint and Pickett waved  few stout sticks about!)

What gets me though, is a film that is called called Frogs, that depicts a giant frog on the cover with a human arm hanging out it's gob, doesn't even have the aforementioned giant killer frogs! There's death by snake,
gator, spider, geckos (using poison) and turtles, but no death by frog!

I wants me money back!