Sunday, 25 May 2008

Jugs down the pub...

Outrage upon outrage upon outrage!

Firstly, some dolly bird offers me £5 a strip. Whey-hay! I hand over the cash, but does she flop 'em out and toss aside her scanties? Does she feck as like, for she missed the key details.

I got a strip alright - a strip of raffle tickets!

And do they have a raffle? Doe they buggery sod as like! At least, anyone sat in the pub were unaware of it.

Apparently, a couple of people by the burlesque pit saw some semblamce of a 'raffle', but no-one heard anything.

Seems to me, if you flog raffle tickets, you should at least make people aware when the draw starts, and perhaps use a mic. As far as I'm concered, there was no announcement and no draw, and I was sat right there.

And as for Burlesque! Now, I'm all for equal opportunities, but putting the burly back into Burlesque is a tad too far. Far from the can-can and nip-tassle swingment expected therefof, an aged burly bearded biker bloke isn't exactly what I expected.

Athough, to be fair, he wasn't exactly burly.. more skeletal and bedraggaled sporting tit-tassles and requiring a few more pies...

Oh well, a commiseratory chinese will sort me out.