Thursday, 29 May 2008

Love in an elevator...

...and if you can't get lurve, then it'll have to be a golden shower!

See, we have nice, plush offices with smart lifts. Clearly, the news of us being shunted out into the 1970s backwater of St Peters House has enraged someone, for there was a slight whiff of the lavatorial about the elevator.

Taking a whizz in a steel lined council scum estate lift with accompanying graffiti is all well and good, but not in pleasant surroundings!

I mean, what would they do if they were entrapped within Willy Wankers Great Glass Elevator? I have no desire to see willies and pissflaps streaming forth and putting me off my heathy bacon sarnie as I perambulate past!

Take heed, urinators within transparent enclosures, and remember the old adage:

People in glass houses
Should pull the blinds
When removing their trousers

I think I'll get the cleaners to put in a dispenser unit so that there is always plenty of TenaLadies availiable....

...although I wonder what's on offer from a FiverLady...