Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Returning to the calculators of Golems...


I got some of that Indy's Truck Table gel to get a High Barnett, as I wanted to jump on the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull bandwagon and keep my hair all flared out & spikey. So, I puts it in me mop, and does it stay in place?

Does it buggery sod as like! Flop all over the shop it do!

So much for dancing on me noggin, and pulling the hood of me hoodie up and down and me hair springing back into place COZ IT DON'T!

Shame, coz if I decide to go to 80s night on Friday, I was gonna gel it all up in a Follicle Seagull stylee.

Shan't bother now!

Clearly, It's because Xym ain't worth it.