Yes, Xym actually pulled!
He pulled a woman!
"Eh, whut? How can this be? Surely Xym is famed for being a lecherous leerer of ladies, perving at Teh Pretties from afar - Xym is far too shy and scaredy-cat to actually approach a Pretty, let alone pull one!"
Now calm down - this was Bootcamp, and so the pulling in question was hauling away on a rope tethered to a truck's tyre containing a female fitness instructor.
Well, at least I can legitimately claim to have finally pulled...
...and at least I didn't pull a muscle... which could have been embarassing (if you know what I mean, and I'm sure that you do! And if you don't - pulling a particular muscle whilst admiring bouncing babes in lycra. Tugging at tumescence is not the training they had in mind for Longwater Recreation Park. I believe that is more Mousehold Heath territory. or something...)