Saturday, 1 March 2014

Let's get physical, physical...

So, t'other day I sorta mentioned obliquely in passing that I had a consultation with Adrenalize about getting The Xym all trim and shizzle.

Thankfully, my personal trainer is away next week, so my first 1-to-1 session is a week on Wednesday.

Today, however, I went to Bootcamp for an hours group exercises.

Now, for a poor old short fat gothboy, whose main exercise is raiding the fridge (Hey, if Lara Croft can raid tombs, I can raid fridges. All's fair, right?), this was somewhat daunting,

However, I think I wheezed through most of it pretty much OK...

I did planking (I said planking), weight tossing (I said weight), running through a ladder like a girly fairy, flipping off a tyre (my, exercise is euphamistic!), weight lifts, push-up walks (yes, walks), crunches, mountain climb push uppy things, skipping (at which I'm useless), lunges, trampolining, weight lifting curls.

I must admit, I did struggle about 2/3rd of the way through. And not just because lycra clad women skipping or bouncing on trampolines is bit of a distraction.

But, I've made a start! I WILL be Slim Xym.

And as everyone knows I've committed myself to it, there's no backing out now!

Go team Me!