Thursday, 20 March 2014

I ain't got time to read...

So, yesterday I met one of my top, top, hotter than hot Pretties in Starbucks for coffee and a muffin, and ended up discussing Conspiracy Theories.

As you do.

Much as I like Destination Truth, Finding Bigfeets, Fact Or Faked, JFK shot by Roswell Space Monsters, I now have a new favourite.

For I've been introduced to Conspiracy Theory With Right Old Jessie "The Arsechin" sorry, "The Body", no -scrap that; "The Governor" Ventura (not to be confused with Arnie "The Governator" Schwartzanegger or other actors of a similar moniker nom-de-plums).

"Still ahead: HAARP invades Jesse Ventura's brain"...

Well, if HAARP can do that, can they invade my brain and remove the image of Captain Freedom's aerobics and replace it with a nice Pretty Lady please...