Thursday, 15 March 2012


Goodly grief! 

Clearly, The Xym needs to take his lecherous perverture onto the television!

There are many people constantly hassling The Xym with commentary such as "You should be on stage/screen" and the ilk. And it seems they could be right!

For it seems that all you need to get one of them there tellyshows is to come up with an idea that not only legitimises your perverted peccadilloes, but appeals to other pervy TV execs. Or should that be TV Egg Sex. Or something.

Take tonight - there's a prime example on that Chanel N°4. A new show where famous flange feasting vagitarian Mary Portarse has a new concept: The Bottom Line.

Seems the ludicrous lezza isn't content with finding vague excuses to squeeze the ample mammarial attributes and bootilicious behinds of her make-over guests in the name of fashion - she's managed to blag a show that allows the scissor sister to perve at Pretties in their pants!

Now, if Xym, as a bloke, went to Channel 4 and said "I want to do a show about women's knickers, and I shall have to assess several scantily clad sirens in sexy smallclothes, and it's about fashion and not a chance to ogle semi-naked women" - I'd be put on a register or something!  But a lesbian leching at ladies in lingerie... that's fine!

I'll just bet when The Portarse was pitching her plot to the Big Nobs, the Big Nobs were all pitching a tent at the thought of prime time pussy-in-thigh-high-PVC-boots rug munching action!

I wonder what the sapphic strumpet will try and get off on away with next time? Sex-Toy High-street - The Portarse seeks out new and innovative adult entertainment equipment to promote to the pubic public who are seeking their five minutes of fame on the telly and will debase themselves with a full-on sex sesh.

Mary Portarse: Queef of Slots - strap in and strap on! Clunk click, need no dick, along your clit her tongue will flick. Probably.