You can ever read me!
You can only read what your insignificanly little minds can concieve!
For this blog does not exist!!
Shock! Horror! Consternation! Casternets! Uproar!
There's this interweb based company called Blue Coat. Obviously some spin off from Butlins and run by them happy go lucky Bradley Walsh type gormsters, who have categorised my blog as being "under construction, parked domains, search-bait or otherwise generally having no useful value."
It's been a while since I revealed any inner secrets of the masonic illuminateri Tibetan tunnelling secret leaders and their diverse conspiracies, but it would seem they have caught wind of my exposure of their assassinatory attempts upon The Xym and tried a new tack.
Cyber Hackage. and the prevention of access to me blog!
They've marked my revelationary texts as a Placeholder - meaning it doesn't exist, and therefore access is denied to various search engines and corporate firewallery.
Which makes my Blog sort of an Area 51 of the net!
Miss Carthcart and her Blue Coated brethren, having divested her banana colored raiment of the Maplins Electricals Holiday Campanology, has become one of them Govermentment Women In Black! Or deep shade of deep blue. Or something.
"Blogger Obscura does not exist, it is a placeholder - nothing there but a name. So you can't look at it coz there's nowt there. What do you mean, you can reads it? I'm sorry, you're trepanning on space monster technologies and mystical bollocks of the Ancients, so you will have to be shots on sight".
Well, you in your serial killer suits made up of skinned Smurf can try and deny the presence of these texts - anyone who hath stumbled upon these ramblings can see they exist by the evidence of their own optical recepticles.
Unless they're blind, in which case they can read it through the bumpy bits on their monitor lizard.
Generally having no useful value, my best hat!
And my new best hat will be out on Sat!
And tall of hat The Xym will be.
But you won't be there to see it coz this Blog doesn't officially exist, so you can't read it, and therefore will be all unexpectant of millinery towerage that must remain all Pisa-esque upon the cranium as removal would reveal the now legendary cap coiffure of disarray.
So it'll be a nice surprise then, won't it!