Monday, 5 March 2012

Xym's a mean green mother from outer space...

Well, despite being born and bred in The England, from a long line of English (or possible Welsh) folks, it looks like The Xym isn't qualified to live in his ancestral seat!

There this think called The UK Citizenshippery Test.


I took this test. That makes me a testee.

And testes sum up this big fat pile of hairy arsed bollocks!

I only scored 8 ouf of 24, and that was with a lot of guesswork! It than hat the nerve to sick up a proclamation! A proclamation that announced that The Xym is not permitted to be a UK citizen!

JESUS CHRIST... If I suck that badly at my citizenificationary stuff, and know nothing of earthly matters appertaining to the UK, then I must be...

...A POD PERSON FROM THE PLANET MARS!!! Unknowlingly invaded and taken over by unknowledgeable betentacled beasties of arctic shapeshiftery! And I didn't even feel the anal probe!


Them Government Men In Multicultural Colored Clothing better not start exporting me for repatriation to insterstellar climes so they can cut down on their budgetary austerity measures by thieving all my cash in tax for the space shuttle fuel fees, or I'll kick up a right kerfuffle!