Monday, 11 June 2012

Bella Bella Bella Boobs, show me more, show me more...

(almost) Summer Lovin', but having a blast at Leavesden Studios.

And not the Levison Inquiry!

Lots of sets to walkthrough, props to see, costumes to ogle up.

Note to self: Exclamations of "See that corset? Helena Bonham-Carter's tits were bursting out of that! And her arse and flange grazed that skirt!" do not go down well with young mums with feral offspring.

Honestly, are some people born cunts, or do they just get cunty kicked into them?

There be loads of people stood with cameras, about to take a shot of The Potter's Cottage or something. The perfect shot lined up... and some gobshite walks right in front. And stops. Looking at something behind YOU. Or just stands there, Motionless. For hours. Transfixed by a wig or hypnotised by a petticoat.

And it's always the same folk - no matter whereabouts you are in the venue. About to take a shot and it's the bloody same trollop/brat/vacuous twat blocking yer shot!

Still, WE had fun! For we had butterbeers, flew brooms, and bought every flavour beans and chocolate frogs.

With a great big poster of Trixie, as well as her wand!

And finished off with a KFC Family Fuckit served by incompentent staff who stock not the BBQ beans, and forget quaffage requires cups, and edible fayre requires plates.

Still, the cleaning wench made up for any disappointments!