Saturday, 16 June 2012

If I knew you were farting, I'd've baked a cake...

Ah, the All-You-Can-Stuff-In-Yer-Great-Fat-Belly meal!

Not just chinese - but Japanese, Korean, Asian, and other foreign foodstuffs.

And I HAVE to try just about everything!

In fact, only just over half way round the selection, and I have a mountainout plate of mammoth proportions to chow down on!

Nom nom nom!

Down go the dog's bollocks, the donkey danglers, the mystery meat, the huge slab of fat and mustard samosas.

And then return for more!

Plus a quadrility of desserts.

Never need to eat again. And if I do, I just need to remember the pub conversation, and passed around images of Blue Waffles, Special/Egg fried rice, Male Blue Waffle, and the videos of Pillsbury Doughboy shit and Chocolate Cake Fart.

And after wide-eyedly watching the cake fart, one has to wonder if there is an equivalent Cake Queef.

The mind veritably boggles!