Sunday 4 August 2013

Cisterns Of Mercy...

It's just a pop quiz
We do sometimes
A pop quiz
Xym ends up writing
Every time
Pinki writes one too
But there's...

(No no no) No time to listen
(No no no) No time to sit and scribe
(No no no) Which question are we on?
(No no no) No time to write

Sometimes when the round's complex
You have to write in convolutions
Just do what Kelvin says
(whose rules are hard to understand)

It's not just writing band and artists
It's chart positions, connections
What did you expect for Covers
Original Artists as well! 

(No no no) No time to listen
(No no no) No time to sit and scribe
(No no no) Fill out that one we missed!
(No no no) No time to write

Every clip is much to short
Every answer's much too long
Sometimes I must jump back
And amend that one what's wrong
And I have...

Every clip is much to short
Everyone shouts out at once
Sometime's I still can't hear
Diff'rent answers blend as one 
And I have...

(No no no) No time for marking
(No no no) No time to add up scores
(No no no) They've marked us wrong again!
(No no no) No time to write