Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Access Of Evil...

A friend of mine got their diploma today, so a big congratulations and well done to them. I'd giver her the ole 2 thumbs up.. but that would be a quite inappropriate action to perform just for passing wind an examination. 

Unless it's a gynæcology examination, and then it would have been part of the actual examination. probably (and not in relation to coffee stains, right?).

However... I say got their diploma... they put a picture up of them holdings it up, all proud like.

But the more I looked at it, the more puzzled I got. In order to protect the innocent, the names has been removeded, rotated from being held at the jaunty angle of 4.35°, cropped to the titlature of the Diplomatical document, and grubby thumbs photoshopped out. To whit;

Now, I'm no grammar Nazi, as you can tell by one's constant inventorial use of language (removeded, indeed!), but that's no moon Diploma.

It clearly says "Access to Higher Education Diploma". Not "Dis be da Diploma In Sumt'in or other, yehmon". In other words, this is a document you present at the college, which gives to access to go in and pick up your H.E.D.

Ah! This explains that Robin Williams ballad:
"Singin' in the classes
Music for your masses
Give no H.E.D.
No backstage passes
Have a proper giggle
I'll be quite polite
But watch us rock the mic
Watch us wreck the mic
Watch us wreck the mic

It seems to me, the Health Practioner has won an award. They are then given this permission slip. This grants them access to their Higher Education Diploma in Science. Presumably, Dr Midwitch now needs to make use of that access, pick up their H.E.D., and give it to bouncers in Nightclubs to get backstage passes for Fearless Vampire Killers.

All that hard work studying Sciencey stuff just to get backstage to try and cop off with a boyband. 

Mind you, if I had that same qualification, I would giving H.E.D. to get backstage on Discovery's Mythbusters show and cop off with that Kari Byron.

Although Kari would be more Head Elevated Diplodocus than Higher Education Diploma, if you know what I mean (and I'm sure that you do. or probably not).

or something.