Thursday, 20 November 2008

11pm chronometer...

Them crazy Russians!

OK, Putin's punishments my be somewhat extreme, but changing a Pretty into a stuffed owl, bunging her in a cardboard box, and bunging her in a dusty drawer for 60 years is a bit much!

And then, after converting the owlage into a Pretty, to switch her mind into a blokes bod (and vice-versa) only to watch said bloke checking out the contents of the 'over the shoulder boulder holders' and having a good squeeze of the bot is a bit much.

Even worse when the bloke takes the Pretties bod off to escort another Pretty home - especially when the bloke and the escorted Pretty fancy each other.

Not to mention escorted Pretty asking Bloke-In-A-Pretty's-Bod (not knowing it's a bloke) for a towel in the shower, resulting in some sapphic shagathon in the shower.

And then gets the munchies and stuffs the Pretty's face full of salami before taking escorted Pretty out to dinner before getting into a slo-mo action fight with the big guns and the laying about the place with fisticuffs.

And after being switched back into her own bod, Blokey only goes and chalks 'No' on the wall, meaning she's back in the box as a taxidermidized Tawny owl!

Ah, the circle of Life... Or, as Eddie Hitler puts it:

"You're Born... You keep your head down... Then you die.

...If you're lucky!"