Sunday, 16 November 2008

Jif Microliquid where are you...


Hallowe'en was two weeks ago, and I just remembered I forgot to make Sprouts Mexicaine.

Sprouts Mexicaine?

Sprouts Mexicaine!

How's yer sausage? Can I drink your juice? We'll just have to eat our flakes!

Forget the Myers mask next year - it's a horny mask, white shirt & black tie, Y-Fronts and tights for me!

Oh God. Why does life have to be so horrible?

And the bloody kettle's STILL hot...

[EDIT]: not only that, but I just remembered I could've pulled at Hades/WhatACunt if I'd rolled back the lino and summoned up Lucifer via the Sprouts Of Evil and the secret Devil raising incantation in the Ladybird book of witches in exchange for 25 years of amazing sex and cash!

Guess the penciltangle will have to wait until next year.

You don't wear slippers when you're raising the Evil One...