Oh, have we got a video?
Have we buggery sod as like!
I spent ages piecing together "Epiphany", using the Depps audio track and clips from t'ttrailers. And will it upload?
Is the Pope Jewish?!?!
Honestly, I think it's time for Xymon's next mystical universal law:
The longer you labour at a task, and the more impressive the final result, the skiddy knickers of fate will intervene, causing ones mammaries to suddenly have an intake of helium.
Every time! You send ages on a card, and at the last minute knock yer cup of tea all over it. You spend ages crafting a perfect meal, then they turn up late and it's all gone orf.
Or Windows has some bug in it that screws you right at the last hurdle!
Hurdles! Now there's daftness for you! I can understand how some people want to be the fastest runner, but why bung a load of obstacles in the way. if yer gonne do that, they should have varying heights to make it challenging. Not only that, they should alternately vault the first hurdle, then limbo under the next! With a big steel drum band alongside.
And instead of them Americal cheerleaders, they can have them Tribal Warriors, all stomping and jumping and calling out to Baron Samedi, who can come in with his 2-tone face and do a bit of Ska.
Yeah, mon, dose olympics be mighty fine!