Friday, 30 November 2007

Fire in the sky, Ernie floats by...

I had a fantastic blog thought up as I drove into work. A very clevery one as well.

But I was driving, so couldn't write it down. And can I remember what it was? Can I buggery sod as like!

So you don't get one!

Isn't that always the way though -well, in reverse! Normally, people will have a discussion, than 10 minutes afterwards, they suddenly come up with a million and one comeback, all hilariously funny. Me - I some up with some bizzarre old toot, and forget it as soon as I plonk meself in front of the pewter!

And I'm damn sure that William Gates has bunged in some auto-suggestion or hypnotic effect into them Windows Apps. I pop on to MySpace for a few mins - before I know it, hours have passed. Have I done much, seen much, NO! It's like one of them Travis Walton time loss moments! Or Betty & her very large pile of purple dinos.

Could've been worse, I s'pect. Betty could have been chased by a pile of green wolly hatted lumkins, whilst her dress 'fell off' as her hubby repeatedly slaps one of them Grey's on it's baldy bonce.

And people wonder why Area 51 is not publicly recognised by the American Government! I'd deny it too if all that were going on in my Hangar!

Hangars! When I came to Norwich, I often got confused looks from some people. None more so when I spoke of hookhangers. People get genuinely confused! Apparently, despite the fact that there are a hangar with a hook on it, people dahn sahf call it a coathanger. Although they never use them for coats - only shirts, trews and dresses. Coats go on a coatrack, or a hatstand.

Hatstand! Who uses a hatstand for hats! It's a glorified coatrack! I've yet to see a hatstand with a hat on it. Coats, yes. Umberellas - yes. Ne'er a hat though.

Just don't ask about putting clothes on t'maiden!