..."ooooo-eeee, chirpy chirpy cheep cheep"
Woke in the morning and my momma was gone...
Probably because Poppa had her sectioned for standing in the kitchen going "Oooo-eee, chirpy chirpy cheep cheep" during the night, which isn't exactly normal behaviour.
Now, I may have come home slightly tipsy upon occasion, and although I have no offspring, I have had guests stay over. And on no occasion have I found it necessary when all are a-bed and in their slumbers, to parade around the living room pretending to be a chick.
Or even one of the animal variety (boom boom!).
Anyhoo, this song is clearly an anti-drugs song. Back when them slatternly mothers in the 60s (or even in their 60s) were partaking of free lurve and freebasing on LSD, they were tripping off their tits (or those in their 60s, tripping over their tits). It is any wonder many kids heard these hippies parents trumpeting like elephants stampeding across the serengheti, or howling at the moon, or thinking they could fly like a right blue tit (esp. when they leave theit blouse unbuttoned and it's cold out). So, it's not surprising many kids found them gone in the morning after squawking like squirrels.
And for those high on mescaline and peyote, squaws pretending to be Eagles, waffling on about Californicating in hotels, as their progeny in papooses suckle their mothers tainted milk, and start seeing things and grow up mad as a hatter and be classed as a mystical Shamen and babble on about Love, Sex, Intelligence and how they can move any mountain.
Psychonauts and Phorever people indeed! We want PHWOAR!Ever People. Or the Tomorrow People (the original scary ones, that are probably pants as piss to watch back now).
So let that middle of the road song be a warning to ye all - NEVER feed your mothers hallucinatory drugs, or lewt her swallow worms fed on peyote in Tequila, otherwise she may not be there in the morning, but constrained within a straight jacket by men in white coats.
Iorek Byrnison & Iofur Raknison!