Often before lunchtime even begins!
So, I has to trek back to me desk with an open plateful of grubs, like some waiter in a poncey restaurant.
On the plus side, I'm building up a nice collection of curiously shaped china potteries, which, when inverted, look suspiciously like them spaceships out of Mars Attacks!
I'm building me up a fleet of maurauding martians in me lunch break! All I need is some glue to stick the cutlery "legs" on!
And I have the theem toon on me iPod, so I can stick that on play, and rise the invading force out of me desk drawer.
♫ Bobbom pom pom pom
boddom pom pom pom
boddom pom pom pom
dum dum dum
boddom pom pom pom
boddom pom pom pom
dum dum dum
Ha! Take that, Mr Stapler! Take my disintegration ray!
You - Bellatrix Lestrange mug! Prepare for destruction!
Noooo - not my Bella! That the romantic interest! Run, Trixie, Run!
Zap! Kerpow!
Oh noes! It's Matt Cameroon out of Ladygarden and Pearl Necklace singing a Naive American Lurve Call!
But not before I wipe out the Change Management bods! Pitow! Pitow! Die, You beaurocracy blocking jobsworths! Reject my change would you? Well, not more!
Oh, I knows how to has fun in me lunch break, me!