Thursday, 6 December 2012

Ag! Ak ak - AG...

For some reason, our canteen is running out of takeaway boxes for lunch.

Often before lunchtime even begins!

So, I has to trek back to me desk with an open plateful of grubs, like some waiter in a poncey restaurant.

On the plus side, I'm building up a nice collection of curiously shaped china potteries, which, when inverted, look suspiciously like them spaceships out of Mars Attacks!


I'm building me up a fleet of maurauding martians in me lunch break! All I need is some glue to stick the cutlery "legs" on!

And I have the theem toon on me iPod, so I can stick that on play, and rise the invading force out of me desk drawer.

♫ Bobbom pom pom pom
boddom pom pom pom
boddom pom pom pom
dum dum dum

Ha! Take that, Mr Stapler! Take my disintegration ray!

You - Bellatrix Lestrange mug! Prepare for destruction!

Noooo - not my Bella! That the romantic interest! Run, Trixie, Run!

Zap! Kerpow!

Oh noes! It's Matt Cameroon out of Ladygarden and Pearl Necklace singing a Naive American Lurve Call!

But not before I wipe out the Change Management bods! Pitow! Pitow! Die, You beaurocracy blocking jobsworths! Reject my change would you? Well, not more!

Oh, I knows how to has fun in me lunch break, me!