I'm taking up The Tobacco!
I've just seen an advert on the telly box, and to be honest I wasn't paying that much attention, but it showed some bloke 'avin' a faaaag, and the VoiceOver man said:
"Every 15 cigarettes causes a mutation"
How cool is that! 15 fags and my skellington gets an Adamantium coating. 15 more, and I gets retractable claws.
And it doesn't end there!
A few packs of ciggies and Nick Fury'll be on the blower, begging to borrow me eyepatch and preventing Balrogs passing with my pussy Magneto.
Or something.
But I'm not taking Money Advice from the worm from Labyrinth! Sure, it's cocooned into a metamorphosis of a dear little kindly white haired old knitting granny, but how can you trust anyone who tells you never to go THAT way. Especially when you need to travel though dangers unknown & hardships unnumbered to fight your way to the castle beyond the gobbling city to take back the child David Bowie has nicked for his mate Jacko, and it sends you off t'other way coz if you keep on going down THAT way, you'd go straight to their castle!