Dolphins are one of the most intelligent things on the planet.
Or is that Dolph Lundgren?
Anyhoo, the bottle-nosed ball-balancing hoop jumpers are seeking wewengai on the human race and devouring the pampered offspring off gormster parents.
Seems some brat was feeding the mammals, as you do. However, the little git was waving the tray of fishies about. When, suddenly, the dolphin made a jump for the repast with the tray, and the cretinous child, still waving the grub about, managed to get her arm in the way and got bit.
Of course, the Parents are outraged. How dare Orlando Seaworld not warn people out the dangers of dolphin feeding?
I dunno - perhaps common sense would dictate you toss fish to the dolphins, rather than holding the food out of reach of a hungry mammal.
But what do I know.
Parents know best. They've released a video of their dumbass spawn getting 3 barely noticable "puncture wounds" in order to put pressure on SeaWorld to make changes.
Well, seems straightforward to me.
Don't taunt the aminals. Feed the aminals. If you have a tray of aminal food, don't stand there holding it by the water's edge whilst looking the other way.
Honestly, some people!
Wouldn't surprise me if the same people didn't visit the 'gator pen at feeding time, and dangled their babby over the edge to get a better look, then moan when it gets snapped up and blame the resort for not warning them about dangling babies in front of crocodiles.
But that's all moot. I'm off for lunch. Think I'll swing by the Zoo and watch the monkeys. Rest my arms on the enclosure wall as I eat my banana. After all, there's no warnings that hungry monkeys might scratch me as they snatch the snack, so I shall be as safe as houses.
But I'll have Injurylawyers4MoneyGrabbingDumbassTwatsWhoSeriouslyDamageTheirFringeBecauseThey'reTooThickToComprehendRisk ready on speeddial to claim 100% of MY compensation!