A Pretty from Ye Olde Hades days had a game today.
"Hello -----! In you come, head straight downstairs"
"Oh, we're that rememberable from out last visit!"
Well, no - you're memorable because you're ----- ---------, and I've like, known who you are for years! Admittedly, not seen you since Hades shut down, and not had you on a friends list since MicePace, but....
...THIS IS THE XYM! No-one forgets The Xym! People I've not seen in donkeys years remember me. People I've never met before remember me! I've been collared by people from my home town at the UEA or just visiting greet me by name!
But a smokin' hot Pretty seems to have forgotten me! Unheard of!!
It's not like I blend into the background or anything!
And to top it off, upon leaving, the Lady quoth:
"I promise not to wear such a short skirt next time! Sorry about my ass, but you tend to forget when you're focused on things."
Now, what she failed to notice is that the CCTV cameras are up high in the corners of the room, meaning any accidental rear-end exposure due to hem horizon liftage as you bend over to look at stuff is negated due to camera angles!
Fear not, young Lady - your modesty was preserved!
Worse luck for me 😞
...but you could always wear a shorter skirt next time... maybe I'll see if we can design a Hollywood "Marilyn Moonroe" room. Nothing but a leafblower under a grille so you can flash