Yes, it's Father's Day.
(and me Sister's Birthday, but we don't speak about that!)
I've had 3 full day shifts, followed by a morning shift this morning. So, I thought, being 'spoons Sunday, I'd head up for a slap up lunch down that Glass House
(And you know what they say about Glass Houses. People who live in them need to close the blinds when removing their trousers. And these glass houses also have glass ceilings, which Them Womens are always trying to smash. Which presumably makes it a bit difficult to have an upstairs bed/bath/spare room. On the other hand, it does mean they don't have to worry about upskirting as they parade about the upper levels of the house. or something)
Anyhoo, being Father's Day, every selfish fecker had taken their paternal figure out for a familial swanky nosh-up down The 'spoons...
..a nice, cheap, wanky nosh-up off the Sunday Cheapo Special menu, more like!
In other words, all the Dads are scoffing up the all the cheap steak options! And all the other offers too!
And all that's left is all the high-priced options and... the 'orrible stuff no-one ever orders off the menu!
Anyhoo, I don't know why some of these "fathers" are being so fĂȘted - seems that quite a lot of them have given up on "fathering", judging by their feral offspring roaming about the place, battering people with their toys and trying to gozz up the extremely short skirts of the waitresses...