Seems upping my meds hath made The Xym somewhat ill again. Looks like it takes a couple of weeks to settle. Yuk!
So, in theory, I was to be Dancing With A Pretty in the practice session between Beginners and Advanced...
...but I was too ill! The heat! Oh, the terrible heat! So hot in That There Talk. I had to sit outside and cool down in the breeze...
...because the aforementioned Pretty had been snaffled by someone else for hot shoe shufflement.
I was going to give the Advanced class a go... but once the basic move had been performed, it wsa somewhat... frantic.
So I sat that out too!
Then, as I watched, the actual lesson was quite sedate, so I was quite disappointed that I hadn't joined in... until they put the music on, and I was extremely glad I skipped it.
So I staggered off home, a-coughing and spluttering, near vomitationary levels.
Wondering why Vimto is called Vimto. Is it because it's an anagram of Vomit?
And then I get in and check Farcebook.
Seems all anyone's bothered about is a bunch of talentless gormsters running about a field, booting an airsack at a huge opening,
Not me.
No-one's bothered about me!