Friday, 11 May 2012

They will make catlitter their cathedrals...

...and their littertrays will be your tombs!

Ah, Dèmoni 2!

Out of the Cinema and into the TowerBlock! And, oh Lordy help us - thar be Demons on the top floor! Lookit trademark Argento art direction: Shot up the centre of the stairwell - at the top, darkened bonces with glowy eyes peep over the top. Camera rotates in directional opposition to the descent of the demonic deformities!

But what foul beast lurketh at the Top Of The Stairs?

Well, despite the musicalities of Clawed-io Simonetti, the soundtrack included the aural delights of many an Alternative artiste. And one, whose track "Powder" featured in it, used a shot of the Dwellers Above on the album cover!

Behold, Ye Lurker Atop Ye Threshold! The possessed pussies! The monster moggies! The phantasmagorical felines! The Curséd kitties! The...

Oh well, you get the general idea!
Track Listing (Expanded Edition)
Intro (The HarmoniCat Plan)
Slow Creep
Paw Her II
Bellgame (Mr Jingling On A String)
Vet for the Feline
Eating Purina
(flea) Powder
The Scratching Tower
Clawed Razor
The Miaow