Well, my IT is out of date - it's all VB, COBOL, JCL, DB2, SQL, Mainframe, etc, and it seems employers these days want new esoteric stuffs with names like PHP, C#, .NET, MCV, XML, LINQ, NuGet and Ajax...
...so I assume they're after a coder who is also a dab hand with the old scouring cleanser.
Or, if you had a wizardy man of the Julian Sands variety, you could dispatch him out with the Ajax, to bring back his botty.
or something,
Anyhoo, thought I'd check out the course, being £600 cheaper than the half price £2250 courses!
So what would I learn for £400 over three days in a classroom in London?
Day One: Learn how to create a document, save it and print the result.
Day Two: Learn how to create a presentation, from a simple slide to including images and animated text
Day Three: Learn how to create a spreadsheet, compute formulas and display charts/graphs.
In other words - how to use Word, PowerPoint and Excel! That's not fecking IT - that's basic PC use!
Maybe I should cash in on this - start my own "IT" courses. £200 quid, and I'll train you how to open Internet Explorer (or Chrome), how to find and browse a website, and how to buy something off've Amazon. Bang! You're an IT expert now!
What? Website build? Server and Database maintenance? Application Development? Sod all that shit - offshore it off to India where it can be fucked up professionally at great expense. Here in England, we do proper IT - and that's Windows XP (Windows 7 if we really have to) with Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
That leave more time for videoconferencing, with that Pretties webcam strategically repositioned...
...under the desk...
Bloody professional IT course, my arse!