Royal Mail, guaranteed delivery, 29th Jan.
10:50: Ringly Dingly Dancing Dwarf:
"Xym, you about for coffee later"
"Well, I be awaiting a delivery. I can get into t'City this arvo"
"Laterz Taterz"
"Spudz Bloodz"
So, post Jeremy Kyle, Wright Stuff on +1 finishes, Babylon 5 ends... No post
And it's 1pm - time for Disappeared (followed by Jeremy Kyle double bill on ITV2, then...)
Fuck it!
13:01: Tippety tappety texty message:
"Sod it. If they int here by half-past, Teh Xym is a-getting the 20 to bus! Should be in City about 2ish"
"Cool Beanz!"
13:31: Leave house
13:32: Return to retrieve specs wot I forgot to put on
13:33: Re-leave house...
...wait for bus...
...keep eye out for Royal Mail van (just in case)...
13:43: Bus turns up 5 mins late
Drinkey drinkey, biscuit bitey, singularity of Barista Babe for lechment thereof, pop over to CEX, refuse to pay £15 for a second hand Vanellope what's £8.49 new on Amazon (or £9.98 or 3 for 2, making it £6.65 new at Toys'Я'Us), pop to Game and slashed priced Tonto Story, back to CEX for hexagonal disceries, then home...
16:51: Unlock front door. Royal Mail card on floor. Attempted delivery at 13:30!
14 minutes at least before they were even in my area!
Time travelling PostFolk.