or something,
Anyhoo, I was going to regail you with informative ideas regards potentially becoming an adverty man, with my fab idea to market Ginsters snacks using 1970s glam rock & New Wave pastiche pasties. or something.
Instead, another ire that irks Xym!
Now, since Boxing Day, several peoples have been bragging about denuding their living rooms of belighted bauble boasting tinselled trees and lamenting the lack of festive feeling.
As ever, one is flummoxed by this adherence to 'tradition' whilst ignoring 'tradition'.
Like those who every year still forget that the first day of Winter is on the solstice (21st Dec this, no last year!), people are now forgetting when to take down their decorative adornments.
It may be tradition to put a tree up1, but if you're following tradition, then traditionally you should not be taking yer decorations down until the evening of Jan 5th.
Otherwise Baby Jesus sends you a years worth of bad luck.
Mind you, I don't blame people taking their trees out early. They probably need the room for all them gift what build up over them there 12 Days Of Xmas. What with: 12 Twatless Turkeys, 11 Leaping Lesbos, 10 Torn-Off Testes, 9 Gnawed-Off Nipples, 8 Cockless Eunuchs, 7 Septic Scrotums, 6 Shepherds Wanking 5 Choirboys, 4 Falling Turds, Three French Whores, 2 Shithouse Doors and a Durex Full Of VD.
Or is it Alan Partidge in a pear tree?
I do know on the 13th Day Of Christmas, the postman brought to me, my true love in a pear tree.
He'd lynched 'em for making him deliver a preposterous amount of duplicate items every fucking day.