Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Mind The #BoxGap...

No, not that CGI! 3D modelling!

A few years back, I created a Fighting Machine based on Michael Trimm's tripod for Jeff Wayne (see below).

Rather than rebuild it, thought I'd do a handling machine, but that seems to be somewhat even more fiddly, so instead I tried creating LeMarchand's Lament Configuration...

...and boy did it turn out good for a first attempt!
[EDIT 17th Jan: Arse - there are actually FIVE different panels, not 3! The top & bottom are the same, but the side panels are slightly different. Will correct this once I finish the B7 glass cube logo)

So, to showcase my CGI work, I'm creating a virtual cabinet of my 3D modelling for me facebook cover! So, here is version #1, with the Tripod and three boxes (to show off the three faces). Shame there's light bleed from the martian. Oh well.

The 2 Alice frames will probably change - maybe Catwoman on one wall with Harley Quinn (arkham Asylum game version) opposite... or maybe just the Bellatrix Lestrange wanted poster! May even add glass, rather than just a wood frame.

I think next model will be The Liberator from Blake's 7, and if I can, make the B7 logo out of glass cubes! 

Creative Xym is creative once more...

As mentioned above, my first tripod build: