You spell Graph, I say Graf...
You spell Photo, I say Foto...
You spell Physics, I say Physics...
So, why do people think I'm a Gormster when I see the word Scrapheap Challenge and call it Scrafeap Challenge?
"Because, you poor deluded foolish fat fool, it's two words. Scrap and Heap. Duhrr!" decrie the readers.
Well, you ignoramii, it's not two words. If it were two words, it would be called Scrap Heap Challenge. And is it called Scrap Heap Challenge? No. It's called Scrapheap Challenge, and therefore should be pronounced Scafeap challenge.
After all, you don't call Stephanie "Step-Hanie", do you? No. You call her Stefanie.
You don't call The Sterophonics "The Stereop-Honics" do you? No, you call them gravelly voiced whiney welsh wankers, on a level with Travis. Just above the talent vacuum known as Coldsore.
Scrap-Heap Challenge indeed!